Have you seen K-19: The Widowmaker?

I was skeptical about seeing this (and why I waited to rent it) because I’ve seen too many bland submarine movies.
(Das Boot - ‘Oh, can we dive to 150 metres?’ ‘Oh, can we dive to 180 metres?’…, Red October…these weren’t terrible movies, I just figured the sub thing was done)

It’s a fantastic movie. I felt sooooo bad for those poor bastards.

I like these kind of movies that are cool, and also based on real history. Things I never really knew (I knew they happened, but not really any of the details)anything about before seeing the ‘true’ movies…

Pearl Harbour, (not Pearl Harbour the hollywood movie) the movie Torra! Torra! Torra! from the 70’s (I think…it’s old, but in colour…not sure if it was B+W originally) is a fantastic depiction of this. It has as much Japanese strategy, crew training as American stuff. You get into the Japanese pilots’ heads…something not too common in American movies. It’s weird, the scene in Pearl Harbour where the planes fly through the valley… T!T!T! has this pretty much the same, done with models, or real planes (it’s so well done, you can’t really tell) It’s way cooler knowing it’s not digital garbage.

Thirteen Days (Cuban Missle Crisis) I’m some glad I wasn’t Kennedy!
On a side note about the CMC…I was watching on the history channel where they were interviewing one of the Soviet SUb Captain’s. He said that the Soviet union gave the subs authority to launch nuclear warheads if they thought they needed to…without further authorization. The four subs all agreed that if one went, they all would.

At the same time, the US knew they were there, and were gonna fire a dummy torpedo, to bounce of the sub’s hull…just to let them know they knew they were there…but for some resaon they didn’t.

The interviewer goes, ‘What would you have done?’

‘Fire off the warheads’

Yikes! That was close!

And now K-19.

Only downside: Harrison Ford’s accent was not very believable. Maybe it sounded good (I can’t tell), it’s just that Han Solo ISN’T RUSSIAN. And when he was scolding the crew, all I was thinking was ‘Just whip them, Indy!’

2 thumbs up :slight_smile:


Re: Have you seen K-19: The Widowmaker?

Where was “Tora! Tora! Tora!” made? I watched it earlier this year for the first time, and the overwhelming impression it gave was that the Americans had it coming out of complacency. It gave it an edge of seeing both sides of the conflict rather than just “the goodies”. I’ve not seen the most recent version, but other than fancy explosions I can’t see it having much that T!T!T! didn’t have.


http://imdb.com (international movie database) is the coolest website ever. anything you need to know about movies


‘Few people realize that Tora means kill in Japenese’

Phew, it wasn’t just me then…


Re: Re: Have you seen K-19: The Widowmaker?

If you’re talking about ‘Pearl Harbour’ the movie, the only thing that it has that T!T!T! doesn’t, is the bomb’s eye view of the bomb that took out the USS Arizona. That was the best part of the movie.

T!T!T! did just a good job on the explosions.

‘Pearl Harbour’ is a love story that just happened to take place at Pearl Harbour. have you seen ‘Tiatanic’? Picture that with planes

It’s bad

Re: Re: Re: Have you seen K-19: The Widowmaker?

just as good a job

Re: Re: Re: Have you seen K-19: The Widowmaker?



Tora Tora Tora used white subtitles (for the Japanese) on bright white Japanese naval uniforms. Genius.

I thought Das Boot and Red October were examples of good submarine movies. Both very well crafted and very entertaining.

Recently I watched part of a longer version (3 hours +?) of Das Boot. That one really got you into the submariner’s heads.

I read The Hunt For Red October book, and it was very different for the movie. But the book version would not have made as good a movie, so I thought they did well.

But Sean Connery had probably the worst Russian accent ever. In the part of the movie where he’s speaking Russian, even I, a non-speaker of Russian can tell he’s doing it with a thick Scots accent!