from the Scottish Daily Record, April 12, 2006, “We’re now a nation of scaremongers” an article about the bird flu that suggests that the number of deaths to date does not justify the concern being raised:
“108? I’m willing to bet more people have died as a result of being knocked over by a unicyclist.”
So, have you ever knocked anyone down and killed them while you were riding a unicycle?
Neither did I… I’ve only blown out a few yorkshires when commuting on my 36’’ in the morning, just to get in a good mood;)
I love dogs… as soon as they are taller than my knees height
If you read Michael Crighton’s State of Fear, you’ll know why they’re doing it. Apparently the governments need to keep the plebs in a constant state of fear so that they wont think too much about what the government is getting up to.
Personally I blame the media. I’m hysterical with laughter when the camera person says with a straight face that we mustn’t panic or make too much of it and then instantly goes on to make much too much of it.
It’s like when the press report with absolutely straight faces about somebody or other complaining about the intrusion of the press and then go right on and intrude.
I never read newspapers or watch the news. Too much of it is rubbish.
Well, I’ve given it some thought, and I can’t actually remember having killed anyone, wanting to maybe… Hey perhaps the reporter knows about the ‘where’s your other wheel’ ers.
I am hysterical with laughter when people say:
"I’m hysterical with laughter when the camera person says with a straight face that “we mustn’t panic or make too much of it and then instantly goes on to make much too much of it”… but I never read newspapers or watch the news. "
Nao…in an unable to resist sort of mood. Sorry Cathy
Note: Lack of data supporting the hypothesis that more people have been killed by unicyclists than the bird flu should NOT be taken to mean that the bird flu is a serious threat. It just means that it’s a more serious threat than we are. Also, silent charging Cokers are a bigger threat than, say, freestyle (you cannot wheel-walk someone to death, for example).
I think I almost caused a wreck going home from Matt’s once…I was going down Princeton (major road, I was on the sidewalk), and I had to cross a side road, and this lady was pulling out of the lane opposite me, and she starts to go, and sees me, and then freaks out and slams on her brakes (I realy have no clue why, I was no where near her)…but it’s a good thing that the oncoming car happened to be in the outside lane
So on a cost effectiveness basis, more lives would be saved by diverting bird flu prevention funds into a worldwide unicyclist cull? Hmmm… it may be time to go for a long muni and bivvy trip in some very remote part of the countryside!
I’m sure I remember seeing a “statistic” of how many people the Stereotypical Average Westerner has indirectly killed through their use of oil and consumption of food produce and goods from unstable or unethical economies and suchlike. If such a tenuous link can be counted, and if I can remember the figure correctly, then I believe I have currently killed a fairly significant fraction of a person. Erm… sorry about that…