Have you ever done something so embarrassing or incriminating...?

I’m sometimes surprise with what gets posted on these fora.


Have you ever done something so embarrassing or incriminating that you would never admit it to anybody?

No. :wink:

Recently at my school we had Arts Fest, which is a week full of assemblies where students perform artistic stuff or whatever…one guy, let’s call him Matt, did a stand up comedy routine, and then towards the end he announced that he was going to tell everyone something that he has never told anyone before, because it is very embarrassing. What it was, see, is that while he was running practice in cross country one time, he started to feel really bad, so Coach told him to go back to the school and stretch and cool down. With about a mile left, his stomach was hurting him, and suddenly, his butt went SPLOOOSH! and a bunch of POOP came out…and he was wearing spandex. So instead of going back to school, he walked home, with his pants full of poop.
It was the funniest thing I have EVER heard.

that would suck, but hes very brave, i would never have the courage to say something like that

I think I read somewhere that crapping in spandex is called a Winston Churchill or something?

and since when do you wear spandex for cross country?

A lot of people wear compression shorts (spandex type material) for a lot of sports (football baseball soccer etc…pretty much any sport where you have to run)

o, so like underarmor?

and james, im sure he likes you now, that you posted it on the internet for all to see

If I have, I’m not going to tell you.


I know someone who jacked off a thread on Unicyclist.com.

I’ll wait for him to out himself… :smiley:

That’s a hilarious story, Matt


JP’s reminded me of one from our winter carnival. We have this thing called ironman, where its like a competition where you do different things and eat weird food and junk on stage. One of the challenges was to say the best pickupline to one of our vice principals, the girls said it to the male one and the guys said it to the female one. So they went through with a few obvious ones “Are those astronaut pants…” etc, etc. Some were funny, some not. It got to the last guy who was grade twelve and he said to our vice principal (female) “Don’t turn this rape into murder.” The entire school (it was an assemblie type dealy) just went silent and nobody talked to that guy for a week.


:sunglasses: If anything embarrassing happens to me, ill tell anyone =p and i really dont get embarrassed at all, so ill just find it funny then type it up in a thread somewhere

It wouldn’t be the end of the world if you knew. It’s telling that’s the problem.

once, i saw a guy that i thought was dead, so i peed on him, then he woke up and said he would tell everyone, then i killed him

that was a bad post