Have you created an interesting and/or relevant thread lately?

Have you created one? Seen one? Discuss your observations, nominations, ruminations here.

We are all comrades in unicycling and humanity. Qapla’!

yes, i have.

Two, actually. They don’t get as much traffic as the lesser threads, however. It’s disappointing, because people were making such wonderful and thoughtful posts. I wish they would continue.

Following your passion - career choices

The Big Life THANK YOU Thread

P.S. - Are you a Klingon?

Only in my most honourable dreams, Mr. Lowell.

I notice that our compatriot Klaas Bil (Sir Prince of Newsgroupia) has shared with us a very intriguing formula for comparing unicycles’ theoretical potential speed based on hub gearing, crank length and wheel size.

Strangely enough, unibikeling brings up a good point.

Interesting and relevant are relative terms. Interesting to whom? Relevant to what?

Many of my threads would be interesting to people who like loud noises and shiny objects. My threads are relevant to the plight of bellybutton fuzz in contemporary society.

Therefore I’ll answer in the affirmative as well.

thats one of the funniest things ive ever saw typed…


no i have been of the computer for the past two weeks. i was in hawaii.

Haha I actually agree with this guy for once :thinking:



You saw him type that?

i see everything.

That is why I thought this thread would be fun.

While agreeing with the above comment that interesting and/or relevant are relative terms, I’ll say “Yes I have”: This One.

It is interesting to me, because it features my favorite subject. And it is relevant to the hundreds of thousands of people afflicted with or affected by Multiple Sclerosis, because the funds raised go directly into research to find a cause/cure, and programs to help victims and their families.

whoops i meant have not

Not that i know of. :stuck_out_tongue: