I’m a lesbian in a man’s body.
My policy exactly.
I am a guy, no one thinks otherwise.
Oh come on, Walton’s fans? Are they not listed, in their entirety, on the same page as unicorns and hen’s teeth?
How many other mothers were unable to spell Michelle?
And that you’re in a protest society.
I’m on the other end of the spectrum. People don’t accuse me of being a man ENOUGH. It’s tough on my self-esteem.
I am never accused of being a chick. Mostly because I have a photo of myself as my avatar.
I know a couple named Ashley and Pat; husband and wife respectively. That must get confusing sometimes…
For the record, I have never been accused of being a man.
Shutup princess.
That would have been against the law here (who said nanny state?). There’s a list of pre approved names. If you want something else you have to apply for it, and if a name is listed as a girls name you can’t give it to a boy and vice versa. That doesn’t prevent guys named Jan or Kim from being “accused” of being women by English-speakers.
It’s done, partly, to protect boys like Sue and Marion and girls like Michael and Blake from being teased.
If you want your child to fit in, especially in English speaking countries, you can safely choose from the list of approved names like:
Any Arise Aye Biddy Bit Bitten Boa Edit Else Fry Ganja Git Gila Gull Gun Grit Kiss Kisser Kit Kitten Kitty Lie Lone Lull Marine Mean Mine My Nine Ninja Nonny Pi Rise Rut Sane Sire Tea Thorny Tone Tuna Tyre Vibe
Ante Are Arent Ask Balder Bendy Bent Bone Boy Dino Dres Even Ferry Find Graves Hold Jerk Lass Lorry Manly Mass No Odd Owe Paw Pay Prosper Riff Rino Roar Ruddy Sinus Stone Strange Tin Tore Tune Turf Urban.
Are there people for whom you don’t have contempt?
HAHA my bro is “scene” so he has tight pants and he saw a guy looking at his butt so he turned around and the guy saw he was a guy
i look like a girl w/ my hair straightened and oin a p-tail
haha now that is a good one!
Have you never heard that?
A while back I coulda sworn unijesse had said (he) was a she… maybe it was someone else…
“if i were a woman, i’d be a slut… a lesbian slut…”
Good observation, JJuggle!
So I guess that “Boy Named Sue” song would never have been written there, huh?
I think a couple of my favorite names come from Linux Developers: Random Love and Havoc Pennington… I want to name my child that, so I can literally “raise Havoc”
I used to be confused for a girl a lot when I was young. It was mostly in the winter when I wore a beanie. It used to really piss me off. Now I’m 9 feet tall with a beard and a triple moustache and the confusion never takes place.
i thought you were a guy too!
like, i seriously thought you were a guy.
My mistake, it’s “Ransom Love”
“Random” is a good name also