
Today over a coerce of a bought 3 hours my friends and I got kicked out of 6 places so the 6 time we decide to tape the guy here I was just wondering if anyone else had amusing stories a bought haters

nice little video but one hint for next time dont land sideways off things(such as the 5.5 fot drop) you will either hurt your self or bust your unicyle turn 90 degrees and roll out.


thanks for the tip

He has the right to be upset.

You shouldn’t be ‘disturbing’ his ‘foot traffic’ entering or leaving his establishment.

You should know better.

Go somewhere where you won’t ‘distrupt’ someones income.
(or bother anyone)


nice video, diggin the HIM sweatshirt they rock


broken english is funny.

i wouldnt try to purposely make him mad, but if i was sitting with my unicycle and someone told me to leave i’d say no. straight up.

Awwww, you know its fun to mess with shop owners, and espicially rent-a-pigs. Most rent-a-cops are a**holes and think they are the shizit, but really they are police skool drop outs. The real police are nice , but security guards can kiss my arse. the end. Good vid!

Brock’s right about the sideways drop thing.youll find it much easier to at least land forwards.

and you should try to not go so fast on skinnies.

That chinese guy,was his cell phone broken?
Pretty funny.That never happens to me though.I just avoid people like that.

damn crazy kids and their unicycles…ruining people’s appetites and running of business :wink:

you guys are mean. if a guy who owns a business is telling you not to ride unicycles there, then that should give you a hint that he doesn’t want you to ride unicycles there. you should have just left to unicycle elsewhere and not argued with him about bringing the cops in to talk to you.

You really need to find proper places to ride where you won’t get kicked out. If you ride on the sidewalks in front of a strip mall you are 100% guaranteed to get kicked out and possibly even suspended from ever coming back. And you deserve to be kicked out of places like that. Use your head and find better places to ride. No sympathy here.

rather than be all confrontational about it, aproach the shop-owner, offer to do a 10 minute show outside his shop to attract customers in exchange for a free lunch

I totally agree! :smiley:

i think we will try that