Hat Competition

The Goal of the game is simple. Find/make/buy and wear a better hat than everyone else.

Bet you can’t beat mine

You kids and your worthless games!

You want a game? Try to stay awake at the dinner table after shoveling snow for twelve hours straight! Why, you’d be lucky to make it to the dinner table, considering the fact that we couldn’t afford gloves, or even shovels. Some nights our hands would be too cold to pick up a bowl of soup, so we had to go to bed hungry!

Who can wear a better hat? What kind of competitor do you think you are? Everyone’s got a head! Anybody with an arm and two fingers can put something on their head. For crying out loud! What next, are we going to compete to see who can use the toilet without mommy’s help?

Beat my hat? I’ll beat your hat. Just get a little closer, you whipper-snapper.

Go to bed, old man.

Ill find a hat.

well back in my day it would snow ten feet and we had to poo outside because we had a half-room house. that’s right, we had no south and west wall. and the only thing we had to wipe with were nettles. and we liked it that way. you kids with your cell phones and your flying machines…

old people and their stories. all sound the same and they think that made em something special.

it’s passed noon. he should be in bed.

Epic shut-down, anyone?

Actually, I quite like Grampa’s hat.

I think he should win.

Hopefully Ducttape has remembered to keep the sticky side of the tape pointing out or that hat is going to be somewhat tough to take off :astonished:


nobody else has posted a hat picture? Awwww C’mon guys lol

ha ha ha ha

i agree, he’s ornery enough to pull it off

Let me tell you sonny… let me tell you straight
You kids today ain’t never had it tough
Always had everything handed to you on a silver plate
You lazy brats think nothing’s good enough

Well, nobody ever drove me to school when it was ninety degrees below
We had to walk buck naked through forty miles of snow
Worked in the coal mines twenty two hours a day for just half a cent
Had to sell me internal organs just to pay the rent

When I was your age. When I was your age
When I was your age. When I was your age

Let me tell you something, you whiny little snot
There’s something wrong with all you kids today
You just don’t appreciate all the things you’ve got
We were hungry, broken and miserable and we liked it fine that way

There were seventy three of us living in a cardboard box
All I got for Christmas was a lousy bag of rocks
Every night for dinner, we had a big 'ol chunk of dirt
If we were really good, we didn’t get dessert

When I was your age. When I was your age
When I was your age. When I was your age

Didn’t have no telephone, didn’t have no FAX machine
All we had was a couple cans and a crummy piece of string
Didn’t have no swimming pool when I was just a lad
Our neighbor’s mseptic tank was the closest thing we had
Didn’t have no dental floss, had to use old rusty nails
Didn’t have Nintendo, we just poured salt on snails
Didn’t have no water bed, had to sleep on broken glass
Didn’t have no lawnmower, we used our teeth to cut the grass

What’s the matter now, sonny, you say you don’t believe this junk?
You think my story’s wearin’ kinda thin?
I tell you one thing, I never was such a disrespectful punk
Back in my time, we had a thing called discipline

Dad would whoop us every night till a quarter after twelve
Then he’d get too tired and he’d make us whoop ourselves
Then he’d chop me into pieces and play frisbee with my brain
And let me tell ya, Junior, you never heard me complain

When I was your age. When I was your age
When I was your age. When I was your age

I’m trying to post some pics but my comp isn’t working right…

That’s a nice poem. Who wrote that?

Wierd Al Yankovic.

It’s off one of Weird Al’s albums.

I hate you Jerrick.

Weird Al’s a genius.

I have a metal plate in my head so all my hats are magnetic.

Speaking of hats…
ever notice that the only place you can buy a coon-skin hat is in a store next to highway??

Me in the red. Thats my secret lover and I lol.

Less talk, more hat.

This is my favourite hat, i wear it often around the house and when rowing. Infact I was wearing it before I read this thread.

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