I’m just wondering. it wouldn’t have to be very legit, or even legit at all. just rideable. I was thinking of trying to find an old busted or decrepit unicycle to harvest the cranks, hub, frame and seat from, expand the frame with some bar and a welder (which I unfortunately do not have but I’m sure I could find a friend with one), expand the hub with some stock rod and more welding (or some type of sleeve to connect the parts), and find some crazy way to mount a car tire onto it. I’m thinking if I can make one that’s pretty temporary, it would be easy to use a car’s spare and still be able to put it back.
There’s an old picture floating around somewhere on the forum of a guy riding what looks like a F1 tyre.
Can’t find it at the moment though.
another dood made one with a motorcycle wheel/tire as well. looked pretty awesome, id love to ride it.
I was thinking about potentially getting one of those oxygen/map gas welding kits to do the welding stuff. I need a bit more money, but once I get going with my job again (it’s gig-based, so I need to find ones to sign on to) I can see if I can work something together. my friend also has a unicycle that’s broken (stripped cranks, I think he said), so I might see if he’ll let me have that to harvest the hub and bearings (if I need to weld the cranks on or weld the pedals on, that’s fine; it’s not like it’s a really legit build or anything. but if I can, I’m going to try to keep it as legitimate of a build as possible.)
I wanted to make on also just no time or welder
Waaaaaaaaaaaay too heavy
so still fun
There was one for sale in the Boston area on craigslist, it is probably still available it looked ridiculous
how much? couldn’t find
Suddenly “Q-Factor” becomes the least of your worries.
that would be so cool in a parade
Only if you could lay down some oil and then spin it.
if I get it done I’ll post pictures. as for the weight issue, it’s more of a novelty thing. I don’t really even care if I can’t get over obstacles as long as I can ride it places. I also don’t think it would be difficult to turn if you found the right tire; I think you could find a rounded enough tire that you could turn. and hey, even if it doesn’t work out it should be a learning experience.
Here’s the thread:
Well played.
I’ve never seen that pic before.
Unicycle Sculpture
Hello Unicycle Builders,
You have gotten my attention.
I am a high school art teacher on the verge of being a retired teacher, and I am desperately trying to find a new direction. One of my favorite activities is sculpture… large, small, wood, found objects, etc.
When I saw these unicycles I immediately thought about how cool it would be to create sculptures that are unicycles… or vice versa.
I showed my husband these neat pictures and shared my thoughts with him. Bad idea. He went into his usual rant about how I’m wasting my time riding the unicycle and that building a unicycle would be impossible for me. (Not only do I have to conquer my own insecurities to ride around the neighborhood, I have to IGNORE his negative attitude about how ridiculous it is for me to be even attempting to ride a unicycle!!)
Anyway, I have no welding experience.
Does unicycle building always involve welding?
I just love these unicycles in particular. They remind me of the human figure, especially the one that looks like a bent leg in skeletal form.
Very NICE lobbybopster!
Don’t LAUGH!!!
What sort of equipment would I need to construct a similar type sculptured unicycle?
Looks like the opposite of fun to me.
first time quoting, hopefully it works…
I’ve never built a unicycle, but I’ve built other things. I’ve never welded, so I’ve always managed to find workarounds for welding. I believe enough creativity and time in a hardware store could yield enough parts to be able to create a unicycle that uses no welding. however, I just wanted a welder in the first place, so that’s why I wanted to use one.