Has anyone seen the Whale in London?

I was scanning the ‘Latest Headlines’ tab in Firefox, as I do when I have nothing better to do, and came accross ‘Whale Spotted in central London’.

I know that a few of you live in/around London, and I was just curious as to whether or not any of you have seen this wandering whale?

It’s been on the TV news, there were some pretty big crowds out watching it this lunchtime. I was at work so I didn’t see it myself

It looked like it was pretty close to the bank, people must have had a really good view. They’re trying to persuade it to swim back downstream, or apparently they might have to kill it :astonished:

There’s some video on the BBC News site

Just make sure Greenpeace doesn’t get ahold of the whale or they’ll dump the whale on the steps of the Japanese embassy in London.

That is excellent. Well done Greenpeace.

That article was on Fark.com. It is, however, rather sparse on details. I just did a Google news search and found a better article with more detail.

Seems that Greenpeace is well practiced in the arts of lying and deception. I hope the dead whale wasn’t already putrefying. They can get really stinky and leaving a putrefying whale in a major city like Berlin would be nauseating to anyone downwind.

Hardly more practiced than the Japanese. Is it 800 plus Minke whales they are to kill this year? I would be interested to know exactly what sort of research they are doing that justifies the killing. Surely DNA sampling or tagging would provide at least as much and far more useful data. If Minke whalemeat did not end up on so many Japanese dinner plates I might just be convinced. Show me the research data, the results and the reason it is essential. I somehow doubt that there will be teams of scientists doing some sort of careful dissection on 800 10 metre long animals.

John, you can’t seriously be equating that with the Japanese position on whale killing?

Not at all. I am against the Japanese whale killing. There is absolutely no need for what they’re doing. Research? Bah.

From CNN: Whale dies during Thames rescue