has anyone not seen Forrest Gump?

I just watched FG again, and still love it.

I’ve seen it about a million and a half times.

on a side note, this movie also introduced a whole new level of computer effects into movies, for example, Lt. Dan’s legs, and more cooly, all the people at the Vietnam speech at the nation’s capital, and the spectators at the football game who chanted ‘RUN FORREST’ were all computer generated

this is by far one of the greatest movies ever

I haven’t seen it in a long time, but I remember a couple years ago I watched it (it had been a long time before that), I had forgotten how funny it actually was. It’s one of those you can keep going back to because it’s so good.

i have seen it and seen it and seen it and seen it and seen it and it still doesn’t fail to amuse me.

thats so weird I’m just waching it again. right now before i saw the thread,

" My mam always said life is like a box of choc0lates, you never know what your gonna get"

FG is a film everyone likes, whether they understand it or not. I think FG is so good because he is quite naive, and still goes to the top.

I have never seen it!!!

I wish I had never seen it. My wife and I share as one of our major regrets having seen that movie.

don’t leave us hanging…

The word pap comes to mind.

Pap is a word?

“Do you ever just feel like running?”

One of my good friends from Highschool was the guy who started running with forrest accross country, then asks “What are we suppossed to do now?”

Funny thing is, I didn’t know he was in the movie until weeks after seeing it. One of my other friends from highschool and I were talking and she let me know that he was in the movie and which part he was.

Can’t you get version with subtitles in Norway???

Forest what???

Oh man, best movie EVER. There’s no way to not like it.
I thought Lt. Dan really didn’t have legs…

I’ve not seen it.

…Or “tedious”.

I haven’t seen it, and I don’t want to.

I get the feeling JJuggle and Unimichael probably don’t like The Princess Bride either. :smiley:

The Princess Bride? The one with Andre the Giant? No, I quite enjoyed that…
But don’t get me started on that Tom Hanks movie with the volley ball!
OY! :astonished:

Forrest Gump is on my list of “Classics I want to see”…that list is waaaaay too long.
