on a side note, this movie also introduced a whole new level of computer effects into movies, for example, Lt. Dan’s legs, and more cooly, all the people at the Vietnam speech at the nation’s capital, and the spectators at the football game who chanted ‘RUN FORREST’ were all computer generated
I haven’t seen it in a long time, but I remember a couple years ago I watched it (it had been a long time before that), I had forgotten how funny it actually was. It’s one of those you can keep going back to because it’s so good.
One of my good friends from Highschool was the guy who started running with forrest accross country, then asks “What are we suppossed to do now?”
Funny thing is, I didn’t know he was in the movie until weeks after seeing it. One of my other friends from highschool and I were talking and she let me know that he was in the movie and which part he was.