I am new to the world of unicycling and new to this forum…
I think its fantastic to be able to be connected to some people who also think unicycling is fun and exciting
Anywho… I recently started with an old Uni that was given to me by one of my former high school teachers after i showed an interest…
I live now on a college campus (which is probably the main cause for this i’m sure) and i go out everyday and try to ride more…
I can get onto it without holding onto anything (started about 5 days ago…), i can make large sweeping turns, and i can go straight for a long time…
But ever since i started trying to learn how to ride the community has seemed to really put me down for it… Every time i go out the door its name calling (gay/fag/loser/idiot on the unicycle… (i have a g/f))… And well it gets discouraging after a while because i’m not doing anything to warrant this… When cars are driving by and people are shouting out the windows just to verbally abuse someone it gets old quick…
Now granted i am riding around a college campus… I figured this could be the cause of the community backlash but then aren’t colleges supposed to be pretty liberal and accepting???
Idk just wondering if someone else has had issues with this… Its not all bad i do get a couple people every time i’m out that ask if they can try or tell me i’m doing a hell of a lot better than they ever could…
Haha… Honeslty its kinda bad cause my g/f wont even let me talk about riding or wont look at me when i’m on it because she has this huge fear of clowns and she says i remind her of one when i ride… But then again she doesn’t call me names or put me down for doing it
Hi. Welcome to our little online community and welcome to the wonderful world of unicycling. As someone here likes to say… that’s one more of us and one fewer of them.
I’m sorry to hear about your problems. Reactions to unicycling vary depending on location. I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve received mostly positive responses. Others here have suffered abuse similar to your own. And worse. I recall reading about people being physically confronted and even attacked. One person had rocks thrown at him.
While I never had such terrible experiences while unicycling, I can relate to your situation. Every day when I drive my car, I am physically threatened and harassed because I drive the speed limit and therefore get in everyone’s way. I don’t deserve to be treated that way. People in my area are vicious and cutthroat. At least when they are behind the wheel. I’ve gotten to the point where I absolutely hate and dread driving. I don’t know what you should do, but don’t let that happen to you. Try not to let them ruin unicycling for you. Somehow. It’s a great sport with a wonderful social aspect (usually).
I’m sure others here will have good advice for you. Until then… stay safe, keep practicing, and have fun in spite of the idiots. You don’t deserve the treatment you are getting, but keep in mind it’s only words. It could be worse. Don’t provoke the provokers.
I only ever ride on a college campus, too, and every now and then I get lame comments from lame people. I’d recomend staying away from the frat areas if at all possible, since frat boys are usually much more obnoxious than your average college student. I only go riding at night as well, since there are less people wandering around.
Whatever you do, don’t stop just because people are disrespectful! Unicycling is way too much fun to quit.
I’d recommend transferring to Texas A&M University. I’ve gotten maybe 2 or 3 negative comments so far while riding since I’ve moved to College Station.
stop and ask them what they mean, if they could explain exactly why they made the comment they did. They won’t have an answer. Then punch them in the throat.
Which college are you attending? You might be able to find fellow riders, that usually discourages the bad comments.
If all else fails, stick on some loud music and just ride. You won’t hear the bad comments, but you also won’t hear the good ones. Which can be a shame, as you can meet some really awesome people when you’re out riding.
I’m not really sure what to say regarding the GF issue. As you start getting better and getting some tricks down, you should remind her less and less of a clown. She might also just get used to it.
When I couldn’t hop or anything like that people were pretty mean to me, but now that I’m hoping up on stuff/doing tricks they realise that it’s pretty cool and I have had numoruse people come up(mostly girls, like the study shows) an ask me questions and things like that, but you have a gf so that don’t matter. Just keep up and get good and people will like you more and more.
Yah most of the people i get with compliments and questions from are girls haha…
And yes its always the frat boy type that yell and degrade but in no way would this ever stop me from doing something i like to do…
I also do all my riding at night… I figure i should get more of the sport down then show it off during the populated hours of the day
I go to Central Michigan University and i’ve seen about 4 other people riding (that’s one of the reasons i contacted my old teacher to get this unicycle…)
I’m just glad to see its not just me honestly, its sad but knowing that other people have delt with this, (and worse) im sure i can make it through now… and well if i’m ever physically attacked (im a big guy and i weight train) the unicycle is a pretty heavy object to hit someone across the head with anyway…
As for the g/f i just leave her be… When i wanna go out ill just say im going out “riding” and she kinda sighs a bit but she gets over it and asks me if i had fun when i got back…
Thats a very intersting study. I didn’t know that the question “Where is your other wheel?” was meant to be agressive. Its funny to think that somone would be intimadated by me.
Yeah, I have a good bit. Mostly I get good reactiosn though, I’ve had a few really cute girls take pictures of me while riding. I’m not in college though, I’ve just ridin’ around town and malls and etc…
you have a g/f, yet you choose to ride a UNICYCLE instead??!
Coo-coo! Coo-coo!
I can’t think of one person with a g/f who spends any time on this forum, or riding a unicycle, unless you’re Coo-Coo! Coo-Coo!
If you persist, one thing that always reduces the insults is to dress up like a clown, at least paint your face and put a red wig on, you can use your g/f’s mascara and lipstick, and the wig can look just like your g/f’s real hair.
Guaranteed, no one will bother you dressed like that on a unicycle. Ask around if you don’t believe me.
and something I forgot to add: This really belongs in Rec.Sport. In JC you get some of these wise guys like you got. In Rec.Sport, they truly want to help you, Seriously.