I’m writing a bulletin board/forum for a student society at school. I’m now running into a problem where a link someone posted is pushing the originally 800px wide table to full screen width and it looks ugly. I need to implement automatic URL parsing (so it’ll automatically add anchor tags to all links. In doing this, I’d also stick in something that would handle links being too long (and other lines, but I think a link would be the most common source of an unbroken string of characters).
So, I wanted to test and see how this forum software handles really long strings of text.
So I was off by 5 (I mean, c’mon – 26, 260. Add 10 or so… there’s a 6 there. You can see how I got 276, can’t you?) … sue the few neurons that didn’t get there in time. In fact, with my not sleeping much of late, I’ve probably already killed them off.
Alright, you cheeky bastard :). If you could create said ‘Test’ forum, I’d be more than happy to test it for you (oh the irony). What’s that? Sorry? You can’t make one? Oh, that’s unfortunate. Really, that’s too bad. I feel for you.
Anyhow, I can’t rely on users to use tinyurl.com all the time. Users are dumb; I need a parser (which I’ll write at some point) that will deal with things for me, acting on the user’s behalf. Unless tinyurl has an API of sorts (a la Google Web API) that I don’t know about, I don’t think that site has much to offer in terms of a permenant solution. I use it frequently on the forums, yes, but…
Ah, but we are having a conversation. And frankly, I find it fascinating.
Sometimes people have a long user name (usually it’s those weirdos who use newsreaders:)). (email addresses as user names can be long) And sometimes the subject is long but has no (or few) spaces to be broken on. Both have thrown off the formatting of vBulletin. For examples, take a look at the following. Since these links specify page numbers, by the time you read this, they may be off by one or two. So if the formatting looks good, go plus or minus one or two pages…
There’s absolutely no need for me to create a Test forum, because Gilby has already provided one.
Keep your pity for yourself, since you’re the one who’s too short-sighted to find it…
Well, I must say I deserved that… shows what you get for being cocky.
gluteous, thanks for pointing out the Test forum – how convenient for Gilby to have provided such a resource. I will make good use of it the next time I want to test something out.
Re: Has anyone else written their own bulletin board/test of this one
All of the above parts of your original message constitute CONVERSATION – and thus DO NOT belong in the Test forum. Please continue to post the non-test stuff here, otherwise I might have to start reading the Test forum. And I don’t want to do that.
I only recognize the man on the left. So, should I be watching more television (news)? I’ve gotten my weekly TV watching down to zero. Used to be one hour per week - The Sopranos.
Anyway, neither of us are using very many smiley faces :), so I hope you are not taking any of this too seriously. I’m not sure how to read you!
The one on the “right” }Tony Blair{
(they’re actually both on the right!)
is planning to encourage the other one on the right
}the one you recognize{
to go ahead and start a war, even though most other world leaders disagree.
I’m sorry you had to learn about it that way. We are not supposed to mention it outside our group.
Actually, we (software developers) don’t actually believe that users are dumb. But we have to write software AS IF they were dumb. So as a matter of convenience, amongst ourselves, we sometimes talk about the “dumb user.”
I must say I’m quite pleased to see a presence of geeks within the unicycling community. I can imagine there are a few others as well (harper and whatever it is he does and then all these people who build random stuff on their lunch breaks).
And I should be asleep now. The forum/message board I’m working on is over at http://www.sassweb.ca/forum/forum_out.php. Feel free to track its progress and/or leave comments (here or there). I’ll warn you though, if you leave comments there you might be ridiculed or otherwise viewed as an invader (:)). At 240 people in the faculty almost everyone knows everyone else… that said, I don’t want to discourage you – there aren’t many people posting and it’d be nice to have some variety.