has andy c's face plant been altered?

ok heres two pics of it, one has a seat on the tire he fell off of, its just floating there though, no uni attached

the other doesnt even heva the seat there!

im scared.

by the way sorru for making a new thread but i wanna know!


I believe the unicycle fell into the tires, so in one of them the unicycle seat is sticking out, but the very next frame the unicycle isn’t sticking out.

as you can see in this pic the seat is still fully visible it just blends with the sunshine on the tire

andrew%20c.bmp (225 KB)

Let’s go to the video referree for this one - http://www.unicyclist.com/gallery/?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=185513


That’s interesting though that on the bigger of those two pics, you can’t see a seatpost at all. I guess the camera saw it as the same colour as the tyre.

Here’s an animated avatar I had up for a short time, before I realised that animated avatars are annoying.



those clips are going on to my computer! and the seast is visible for the entire crash!! so that means it has been changed somehow or i missed something or whatever, but whoa, hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

thats… uhh…just…um…a…ummmm…shiny…umm…part on the tire

im right your wrong!

I’d look more into the fact that you’re taking still vidcaps from interlaced video and that’s going to make the still pictures a little screwy. The picture wasn’t altered, that’s just what happens when you take vidcaps.

what i find funny is that it was 12:30 AM and i was pretty drunk and i still noticed that! but wahatever the seat is visible there and you kno it:)

no its not…you saw it BECAUSE you were drunk

jesse sorry bout the jack, but as a suggestion i would have recommended the title to this thread saying andrew c, cause i saw andy c and thought about andy cotter

it is a good thread(better then any of mine)but the title misdirected me

yeah well jesse inm not drunk now and i can still see it so ha!