Harsh words about Bush from Iacocca

Boy, Lee sounds FED UP!

He wouldn’t sell many books if his main message was, “Everything’s fine and dandy!” As they say in the news, “If it bleeds, it leads”.

It doesn’t sound like his intent is to make a gazillion dollars though, it sounds like he does indeed want a revolution…

Maybe he doesn’t, but I’m sure the publisher does! They don’t even consider publishing a book unless they think it will sell, and to sell, it has to be provocotive, controversial, entertaining, scandalous, shocking…anything but boring. So, “everything’s just peachy”, doesn’t cut it; not by a long shot.

I liked the nine C’s. The tenth C would be “ComeAndBailMyCompanyOut.”

I believe it’s Diamlers’ company now… and still trying to get bailed out! :roll_eyes:


I didn’t read the whole thing, but I liked the part I read. You tell 'em, Lee!

I was at Chrysler Corp. just before they asked the U.S. Govt. for a billion-dollar bailout. I was an art student in a special summer class, right in the Walter P. Chrysler building (old design center). We liked to think the company was broke because we were using so many art supplies.

They did pay that loan back pretty quick, but I’m sure having no interest made that a whole lot easier. They did invent the minivan after which all of today’s minivans are modeled. They got that one right. But it doesn’t have a Hemi in it…

I just thought it odd that someone like Iacoccoa, who you would think would be a strong advocate for deregulation in American industry would be so opposed to an administration that makes deregulation one of it’s primary rallying cries.

But then again, Iacocca did set into action the Statue of Liberty restoration, so perhaps his anger is genuine.
Perhaps he is a true patriot.

Deregulation here, more regulation there. Our constitutional rights have been more regulated, and maybe even Iacocca thinks those should take precedence. :slight_smile: