hahah does who die?
Duh, Dumbledore.
I heard he dies in the 7th book.
z0mg NO WAY!!!
Yea, and after the book comes out…if anyone posts spoilers about the movie…
I just torrented it, just for fun. He doesn’t die in the last 3 chapters but he doesn’t speak either. Everyone is also very sad about something. So I’m going to guess he does die.
I’ll read more into it later and tell if it’s true or not. But after reading the last 3 chapters it definitly looks like this book brings harry’s death.
Sweet he was a show off make room more me =p.
Don’t do spoilers.
dumbledores already dead!! he died in the 6th book
That was the joke, fancypants.
I heard on the radio this morning that there were lawsuits going out to anyone who released cracks/spoilers/the entire book.
you dont have to read it.
post more post more
This whole thread is about spoilers. You knew someone was going to do it, and there will probably be more. Read on at your own risk!
Why is it called the seventh “and final” book? If all the characters are still breathing there’s always room (and money) to make more, so there has to be a reason!
Of course in fantasy (and most forms of fiction) you can always bring back the dead, do prequels, etc. Right Mr. Spock?
It’s the 7th, and final book, because it’s what would be his 7th and final year of schooling. But the ‘final’ part definately lends a morbid connotation.
ehhhh, can I get the file without downloading bittorrent?
do u always post stupid questions? First off surely this thread has no place here, its illegal.
Secondly i doubt you want to download bittorent, cause thats a python script, and probably too complex for you to use (no offence meant)
You want a bittorent client, like utorrent or azureus. Do some research before posting stupid things.
Surely this thread should be removed from unicyclist.com ?
if you want spoilers http://www.zendurl.com/h/hallows/
if you dont, dont go there.
I can use computers well, I’m just too lazy to learn new stuff like this.
And no I’m too lazy to do much reasearch
And finaly thanks for the post
Nope. Surely it shall not.
Plus this thread isn’t illegal. Apparently, telling people how to remove the rights management off of copyrighted, commercial works is, but this isn’t that. This discussion is about a piece of non-rights-managed, stolen literature!
It will be interesting to see if the authorities are able to find, and convict, whoever did this.
what do you think they’ll do?