Happy Valentines Day

Hope you all have a nice valentines day and dont forget to tell someone that you love them.

tomorrow its valentines day…

tis already tommorow here :slight_smile:

:frowning: It’s never tomorrow here.

Will you be my valentine?

if i had known you were going to ask me!
no, sorry
i sorta have one :slight_smile:

Will you be my valentine ninja!!!


Spread the VD.

My Valentine just dropped me in some breakfast :slight_smile:

i just posted this in another thread but ta da


It’s Peep eat’n time!!!

:angry: Bah.

I’m sorry to hear that.

My very funny boys bought Mom a Valentine’s gift today.

I think the doghouse is big enough for Baxter and two boys…

Vaginal Disorder? Violin Distractor? Vampire Dagger? Villiage Destruction? Vallient Defense? Vegan Demonstrator?

I think its vigilante dragon.

I think it either means variable dismounts, viscous demons, vertical dolphins or vented dogs

ok ok i dont like you and you dont like me
but ive gotta admit thats pretty funny