Happy Square Root Day!

Only 9 times in a century is it Hip to be Square.

I would have hated to miss this one! I won’t celebrate but the idea of waiting 5 years, 1 month and 1 day till next square root day was a pain in the younowat’:wink:

Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I should tell my uncle. It’s his birthday today.

thats cool!

my mum will be interested in that, I shall tell her.


Ah gotta love it! The last square route day ever :stuck_out_tongue:

My daughter Emma will celebrate her 22nd on the next square root day.


Did you check your math? Looks to me like your expectation will not be realized unless you are willing to wait a couple more years.

That is wishful thinking. We all know that the end of the world will come before then.

We should be so lucky.

indeed! Of course yesterday it was 7 years, one month and 1 day till next square root day;)

He said “was a pain,” so I thought he was talking history, about what he had to go through waiting for yesterday’s date.

Anyway, the party’s over.


It would be awesome if stuff like that would be announced here a day earlier :smiley:
Everytime there’s an awesome holiday, it gets posted when our day in Slovenia is coming to an end:(

Maybe you should become the great master of slovenian square root days!
Your mission would be to warn slovenian people the day before, considering local time, and spread the words of the holy square root throughout the world:D

I started the ‘talk like a pirate day’ thing here. Last year was fun :smiley:

I did a google search and the next fun one is on the 14th of March. Behold, The Pi Day.

YAY! Square Root Day!

My math teacher was excited about it.
I got bonus marks for saying there are 9 this century.:smiley: