Happy slapping?

I just saw in the news a new stupidity: the “happy slapping”.
It takes place in the uk and its people that slap person in the street.

Here is a page of videos

I find it really stupid but kind of funny to watch but Im just an immature teenager.

So what do you guys think about happy slaping?

Sorry for my english

I think that should anybody try such a thing on me they might get more than a slap in return, either that or I’d laugh and walk away, if that would make them feel stupider. I don’t think happy slapping would work in a country like the US where we have private gun ownership and especially in Vermont, where there is no permit required for concealed carry.

Perhaps ones reaction to this sort of thing belongs on a test for sensation seekers. I, for one, prefer my slaps elsewhere on my body, but that’s just me.

i need a spanking

Sounds like you two might be able to work something out.

walks away whistling showtunes from Fiddler on the Roof

if he did it to me, then when he runs away, I would chase him, and catch him, and SLAP HIM BACK! then I’d run off too.

I’m home from college so I see girls every now and then from HS and I get slapped. It’s not as much fun as it looks cheeks tend to sting, (both sets)

Looks like simple battery to me.

It’s an idiotic pastime that’s been grabbing the tabloid headlines here for a while now.

I came across a video yesterday of a kid trying to happy slap another kid on a BMX from the back seat of a car. He missed the kid, fell from the car and his head got hit by an oncoming car on the way out…I think he’ll have learnt his lesson.

I wonder how long it’ll be before we see happy capping; people getting shot on camera for kicks?

I would prefer happy napping.

I saw a programme about happy slapping a few weeks ago. Apparantly a group of guys thought it would be a happy slap to set some sleeping drunk on fire. So I don’t think it’s very funny at all.


ohhhhhh so thats what happened i always wodnered why he just jump into an on moving car… heres the video



lol that was really stupid ahah

don’t tell me we’re back here again?!?
i’d assumed civilisation caught up

That happened about 30 miles from where I live. What a lovely orld we live in eh.

That accident looked like it had the opposite effect… that kid may have unlearned everything he ever learned in the collision :frowning:

The “slapping” videos remind me of my youth… not that I slapped anyone, nor did I film anything stupid that we did… but there’s something about running away at top speed with a couple buddies, laughing my guts out, that evokes some memories… too bad I can’t recall what we did beforehand :stuck_out_tongue:

lol you 2, I also did thing like this.

ive been wanting to download this for a long while but it wouldnt let me, i was getting mad. but now that i did, watching it just kinda makes me mad, its just stupid… and i normally laugh at really stupid evil things like that…
