Happy Saint Patricks Day

Because everyone is a little Irish today.

jameson bottle.jpg

Also, Happy Birthday, Everett. (my brother) (49) (non-riding) (and non-Irish, on any other day)

Not just a little Irish, but mostly! HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY, EVERYONE!!!

Oh, and did you know, 80% of (legal) Americans have Irish blood in them. Yeah, we get around.

It’s Theo! :slight_smile: Long time no see. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, my friend.

How are you? I’ve been very busy with school but now that my senior thesis is done I can pretty much sail through the next 2 months!

yep happy st patricks, sorry about the lost to france in the 6 nations… NOT :stuck_out_tongue:

I love being part-Irish.

I love being Kevin Patrick O’Brien Junior. Especially today.

Man, what a coincidence! Me too!

I mean being all Irish.

This thread reminds me of Boondock Saint. I love that movie…“We’re not always doing business, but we’re always open”

I didn’t even realize it was Saint Patrick’s day until a couple hours ago.

Oh come ON, Dave. Get off your high horse and have a drink!


Raphael is against the amendment on separation of superstition and state. Are you with him?