Happy National Pot Smoking Day (4/20)!

Just wanted to wish all you stoners out there a Happy National Pot Smokers Day! That’s right, 4/20! Let’s just say at 4:20 today (and the rest of the night), I plan to be more blazed than ever! Let the good times roll (literally!) :slight_smile:

Party Hardy, Rock N Roll
Drink a keg, Smoke a bowl
To all you preps who think you’re cool
Think again cause STONERS RULE!!!

Which Nation?

Does this explain today’s Google Logo?


Ah, when I saw the date this morning, I knew I’d see this somewhere on the Internet today. Why am I not surprised to see it here?

If only I had some…and…um…wanted to smoke it.

Every nation! :slight_smile: Guess I should have said Happy World Pot Smoking Day! Although some countries write 20/4, us stoners will let that slide.

And yes, that might explain googles logo today?!

I usually refuse to post to pot-smoking threads but I can’t resist this.

Happy Adolph Hitler’s birthday!

The two ‘holidays’ compliment each other nicely.

I completely missed 4:20. If I wait until 10:20 it’ll be 4:20 where I live in Canada…

We should have a unicycle event on the next 4/20! It would be crazy! all these zombies riding unicycles! hahaha

What does the number 420 have to do with anything?

Regarding vices… keep them off your permanent record – always pay cash and don’t talk about them in a public forum that will be around forever (searchable by future employers, lawyers, etc. – and you can never become president of the United States if you admit to smoking pot).

P.S. - You can always click on the Google logo to find out more about it. Today it takes you to an image search of painter “Joan Miró”. I didn’t look to see why… (maybe Joan was a stoner).

Forrestunifreak, allow me to direct you to wikipedia.org:

It’s some guy’s birthday.

I would say happy weed day, but my parents sometimes look at these forums. :slight_smile:

I heard it was Hitler’s birthday. Also the google thing is an homage to Joan Miro. At first I thought it was Kandinsky, but I was wrong.

That’s the great thing about forums is that no one really knows who you are and they have no proof of it, even if they think you are someone. For all you know, I say I’m Jamey from MN but heck, I could be Japaneese and live in Japan. I really don’t think anyone (future employers, lawyers, etc.) could use any info from forums against anyone since they can’t prove it is someone. Same goes with myspace.com cause there have been many times I’ve heard of someone not being who they say they are, or someone making a false idently to make someone look bad. Help me better understand something if I’m missing something but I don’t think anyone can prove that someone that posts is really someone in real life, especially if you don’t put any personal info in your profile (or maybe even if you do?). That and even though I say stuff on here, I might be lying and nothing I say on this forum may be true,…it’s all opinion sortasay.

Example, if I wrote “I’m going to kill you ____” on this forum, could someone legally say that’s a threat and try and take me to court? I’d like to know the answer on this if someone knows…and if they could, how would they find who the real person is behind unicycle6869?

I’m sure Gilby could find your home address in about 5 minutes. From there it’s not hard to figure out who you are.

Er, why? Was Hitler a stoner?

It’s his birthday too, from Wiki: Joan Miró (April 20, 1893 – December 25, 1983) Cool he lived over 90 years. Bummer dying on Christmas.

For the record: The UniBrier bunch don’t celebrate this event.

okay, it is only for us americans, the cops say we got a 420 when they see someone with weed, duhhh

No, 420 is not the police code for marijuana…thats an urban legend, check the snopes.

Anyway, I’m gonna go get high…RUNNERS HIGH!! w00t for endorphins!

I’ve already started “celebrating” and I’ll be doing so alll day. Happy 4/20