Happy International Harper Day


I’m skeptical. There’s no Wikipedia article and Snopes neither confirms nor denies it.

Are you sure you’re not just making this up?

Do a search.
It’s been observed for 5 years straight, as I recall.

A very Happy IHD to Greg today!

Unfortunately I won’t make it to the Sunday observance ceremony on the IHT. I am so traumatized at the thought of missing it that I am going to lobby congress to make sure IHD and Labor Day weekend don’t coincide in the future.

That sounds like an opportunity for someone familiar with Wiki.

Crap, I’m mortified. Now, next time he’s in town I may actually have to meet him.

Why today?

Read the main forum page:

I’m twice as old as the nearest competitor. 2912 weeks.

Thanks for the greetings. We’ll have a dandy ride on Sunday. The traditional Iron Horse Trail ride. Jerry Gruss is coming up from Houston and Scott Arnold will be here from Oregon to attend. Bruce Dawson will once again maintain the international status of the ride by being Canadian.

It’s a big trail. There’s room for more and you are welcome to come.

I’m still working on my special rendition of “I Light Up Your Life”
My new light is bright. Very bight.

I light up your life
I give you hope
To carry on
I light up the tunnel
and fill the dark with song

I’m preparing a feast for IHD. Will have it vacuum-sealed and sent overnight… should make it to Seattle for Sunday’s gathering.


Happy Birthday, Dude.

You recall correctly. Here is historical photographic evidence from the very first International Harper Day ride back in 2004. I had been on the planet a long time by then, but I never knew how to blow out a birthday candle the way Harper taught me that day. It really only works well with one candle, but it does guarantee that nobody tries to hoover in on your cake.

I am trying to figure out an appropriate way to celebrate Harper Day. I am all out of leotards and I am drawing a blank.

Any ideas?

OH ITS Harpers… ok, It all makes sense now

Yes, get on a plane and fly to Seattle to do the Iron Horse Trail ride. Don’t worry about a coker…we’ll find one for you here. Don’t worry about the dent it will put in your wallet or the huge carbon footprint it will leave upon the planet. This is Harper Day!

Celebrating International Harper Day on the Iron Horse Trail is like celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Dublin. Once in a lifetime, you have to go right to the source.

You know, next weekend there is a pretty prominent unicycle wedding right here in Minnesota. I could delay Harper Day a week, and he could come here and save me some big bucks.

A birthday thread started by the infamous Dave Walters. Northlake Tavern pizza followed by presents with the family accompanied by cherry and blueberry pies. SA-WEEET. Then a ride Sunday with the best folks money can buy. And they come cheap. It doesn’t get any better than this. At least for those of us who don’t know any better. Thanks all.

Happy birthday Greg.

I will find a tunnel to ride through on Sunday.

Except getting to ride to work on a new KH Fusion Freeride saddle this morning for the first time. Karen gave it to me as birthday gift last night and I installed it this morning. The only problem with that is that I end up at work. Work sucks. It gets in the way of everything.

Also, as a joke, my daughter gave me an AWESOME cell phone with 100 minutes. I can’t wait to get behind the wheel on the interstate and use it.


Please. This is a family forum.

Great…call me Sunday when you’re crossing the bridge so we know how early you will be.