Happy Groundhog Day!

Well, another day, another work year out of the way. Seems like those tophats roust me earlier each year. How’s a groundhog to get his beauty rest when they crank my heat up to scorch level?

Anyway, you snow riders can rejoice. My shadow I did see, and six more weeks of winter there will be.


Well it’s about time!

Looking for your shadow in Hawaii this year?

Thanks for the extra winter, bring more snow to the Cascades please.

Seriously dude?
Come on, I’m tired of winter.

You live in Michigan. Goes with the territory.

Anybody checked Phil’s accuracy lately? Not to be a party-pooper, but it seems Winter ends at the exact same time of the year every year, regardless of what he says. :slight_smile:

Here in CA we need a lot more rain/snow before the season’s over or else we’ll be really dry all year!

I’ll enjoy this 6 weeks of winter then, starting with the lovely 61 degrees of today.

You say that but in the UK winter only started today

and exactly how long does a ground hog live? do the tophats replace him in the night like a parent with their child’s hamster if he dies?

um, excuse my ignorance but what is groundhog day? does a hedgehog come out and decide its still winter or something?

a groundhog called paxatauny phil comes out of his hole, and if he is facing in such a direction that he can see his shadow then winter continues for six more weeks, if he can’t, then winter is over.

Yes, but not with a live one.

That is just weird lol.

What if its blind? :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s a friggin groudhog, it wouldn’t matter if it was high on PCP.

have to quote this from the wiki link concerning another groundhog, purely because it’s the funniest shiznay ever:

Death and ensuing scandal

The original Wiarton Willie lived to the advanced age of 22, and was found dead only two days before Groundhog Day in 1999. The organizers were unable to find a replacement, and instead marked Groundhog Day by revealing “Willie” in a coffin. He had been dressed in a tuxedo, had coins over his eyes, and a carrot between his paws. A scandal ensued when it transpired that the real Willie had in fact decomposed, and the body in the coffin was that of an older, stuffed groundhog. The Associated Press was obliged to issue a retraction on its wires.

haha yeah, i thought that was strangely amusing lol.

Today I made the comment that PPhil was like the horoscope: If what he says comes true, people will take note, but if not, no one will notice.

Nah trut’?

A little more detail, though a question like Grapes is always best answered with “Can’t your computer connect to Google?”

If it’s not cloudy, and if the tophat guys think he noticed a shadow (who knows if he actually saw it? I mean, I think ground hogs probably have pretty crappy vision anyway), then it’s six more weeks.

Except the Earth’s orbit never changes, so winter ends at the same moment regardless…

Well, I’m dismayed and hurt by the vituperative string of posts in this thread. Ingrates. When I think about the prognosticative services that I’ve provided to this forum in the past–gratis I might add–I’m stunned to be insulted on so many levels. A brief retort is in order:

Kington you idiot, show some respect and take just a minute to get the spelling right. It’s not that difficult: P-U-N-X-S-U-T-A-W-N-E-Y, just like it sounds. And I am a HE, not an it. I would also like to note that in my 120 years of prognostication, I have never blurred the clarity of my predictions nor tarnished my reputation through the use of PCP or any other performance-inhibiting drug.

Biggestbtc: I predict that more people notice me every year than will notice you in a lifetime.

Foss: Jesus but you can run on at the mouth. Not to be a party-pooper? You live for that role.

Unibrier: My thanks to you, friend, for both inquiring on my absence, and thanking me for my good work. I predict you will have an enjoyable spring skiing season.


I just hope I’m noticed for being right. A number of people have gotten a lot of media attention for being wrong. Anybody jealous?