I mixed my ground hog with ground moo and ground gobble gobble, stirred it with tomato sauce and herbs, and served it all over pasta.
Is this kosher?
MHMMMM ground hog
This is all very funny, kids, disrespecting our most treasured national holiday, and the only one that comes with a prediction, unless predicting that Christmas will bankrupt you counts.
I can’t believe I have to come onto this thread to defend myself and my holiday. I mean, I predicted I’d have to, but at what cost? I’m in a fragile and pain-wracked state, and type these words with the greatest of effort, my broken paws bandaged from what those bastard tophats did to me. After so many years of being rudely smoked out every February 2nd at the crack of frozen dawn, this year I finally got some revenge by taking a Groundhog-Sized dump on my handler as he pulled me from my burrow. Perhaps you noticed, yes? If not, a careful review of the YouTube footage will show the magnificence of my rebellion!
But of course, as soon as the cameras had packed up and gone, I was invited to a “special performance review” 30 stories below Gobbler’s Knob. I’ll spare you the painful details, but let’s just say that the SPCA representative was not invited to the meeting.
On the positive side, it turns out some of the pretty Scandanavian journalists are also quite skilled nurses. It appears I’ll live through this, and I predict those tophats will be wearing rubber slacks next year.