Happy Easter

Happy Easter.

Happy Easter.

Ever wonder why Easter seems to fall all over the calendar from late March to April? Maybe everyone but me knew before but I just found out this year:

Easter is observed by the churches of the West on the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or following the spring equinox (March 21). (Unless that coincides with Passover, then it is a week later). So Easter became a “movable” feast which can occur as early as March 22 or as late as April 25.

Christian churches in the East which were closer to the birthplace of the new religion and in which old traditions were strong, observe Easter according to the date of the Passover festival.

I want a chocolate Jesus for Easter.

/joking, please don’t be offended.

i’d buy one

i’d love to edit but it’s been 10 mintues so: i’d but a case or more if they had fruit flavored(raspberry maybe?) stigmata.

//edit: also, i can’t wait for cheap candy in ~ 24 hrs.

I was wondering why it was early. and I also get people easter things the day after when its all 75% off, so I win big time, and people are still happy that they got stuff, so its all good. And i think chocolate jesus would be good…more people would buy i think just becasue jesus is on it. But it has to be buddy christ, from dogma though…hehe…i want a buddy christ statue in my room. that guy is the man.


Do you get presents or just candy for easter? Or anything? Unis?

I get presents! yay! I got Mario Sunshine, Tak 2, Wario World, and a new bike helmet. You can see the helmet in Most Replys and you can see the new games in the GameCube thread.

presents for easter? spoiled lil tylercox…
I just get candy. I wish I didn’t, because all that candy makes me want to puke. 'specially during track season.

I use to get stuff for Easter but now i really don’t get nutton. But like yall said, my parents take me to wal-mart to buy cheap candy afterwards. HEHE.

ya ever put a marshmallow peep in the microwave? I just did. they grow to about four times their size, then when you take them out they taste like roasted marshmallows but covered in microwaved pink sugar.

They moved easter so it could be before Moab Muni Fest. Duh…:smiley:

I did that peep thing right after I read your post and it worked great. The only bad part is it shrinks rightwhen you take it out of the microwave. :angry:

yeah, 'fraid so… I want to try a peep s’more. that would be great.

Take two peeps, put a toothpick halfway in the front of each of them, face them towards eachother 3 inches apart. Microwave PEEP JOUSTING!!!

i got orbit gum. huzzah.

Ive noticed more people saying ‘huzzah’. very interesting. And…I get a present and candy. This year my mom is buying me and new ddr pad since the other one is indesposed :frowning: HUZZAH TO DDR!

I am proud to be the Huzzah master of the forums.

I got 250 bucks for easter. 150 is for a trip to oregon and 100 for moab stuff.

DDR is fun. I used to be like… the 8th best for freestyle in Nevada. and like 400th in America. But I havent played in months and months.

Same with MTG. I was 2nd in state, but it never went anywhere… 'cept EBAY.

DDR is cool, and so are medival phrases. Particularly huzzah and yea verily. And any form of smite. (smited, smiteage, stuff like that.)

Easter is cool, though I don’t do much for it. Just some pagan rituals & stuff.


Indeed, what about daft? ex. See those daft men over there? heheh…i like daft too…medival times is my favorite, especially the jester! HUZZAH!

yup. I never use daft though. I need to use that sometime. I know some daft people i could describe.