Happy Easter to Everyone

I don’t know if this has done before. So I’d Would like to say to everyone. A very Happy Easter to everybody around the globe and on this site. Keep riding your Unicycles and have a great Easter feast.



Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

i couldn’t wait to spend another long weekend reading the bible trying to find the words chocolate or bunny rabbit anywhere in that book…

Re: Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

Here are the only two mentions of rabbits in the bible. They’re from the old testament though; nothing in the new.

Leviticus, chapter: 11 verse: 5:
And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.

Deuteronomy, chapter: 14 verse: 7:
Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; therefore they are unclean unto you.

I’m not sure if this prohibition includes chocolate rabbits.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

I’m pretty sure that chocolate rabbits don’t chew cud (or anything else for that matter), and I’m not altogether sure if their hoof is divided. Although the logic is not entirely clear, those attributes are stated as the reason for the prohibition. So I would think chocolate rabbits are exempt. (Phew!)

This is as close to bible exegesis as I’ve ever been.

Klaas Bil

Re: Re: Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

pardon my biblical stupidity (or should that be my stupidity of biblical proportions?)
what is a coney?
r u telling me there’s some biblical grounds for outlawing xtreem pootling now?
maybe the cop was right?
in a biblical kinda way?

for those in need of clarification…

Re: Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

ah yes, the almighty dollar ,but nothing beats the marketing behind Valintines day.

there is no St.Valintine.

i belive the day was invented by Hallmark cards.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

Coney is an obsolete word meaning rabbit. Hence the (to some tenuous) connection with easter.

Coney Island, a part of the New York City borough of Brooklyn, gets its name from this word, despite the fact that it is no longer an island and most, if not all, of its rabbits are long since gone.


Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Easter Bunny, St Valentine, god…

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

Actually, my NIV translates the word coney in Lev 11:5 as “hyrax or rock badger” in the notes. The very next verse, however, directly refers to rabbit. :slight_smile:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Happy Easter to Everyone

That makes a bit of sense. I was wondering why, given rabbits are not hoofed, they should be mentioned in the bible in this context. This definition fills things out a bit:

hy·rax (hi’raks).
noun: pl.: hy·rax·es, hy·ra·ces

  1. Any of several herbivorous mammals of the family Procaviidae of Africa and
    adjacent Asia, resembling rodents but more closely related to the hoofed
    mammals. (See from: coney; dassie)

In the King James Lev 11:5 uses coney and 11:6 uses hare.

In any event, what are the odds they all taste like chicken?

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

All that I wanted to is just to say Happy Easter to everyone out there. And all the sudden, A couple of threads on this. There is no need to reply this but anyway that’s life. O’k please feel free to add more if you want too. I did receive a Choclate Easter Egg from my folks, a very nice Cadbury Flake Easter Egg with 2 Flake bars. Now that’s Easter is over, let’s get back to talking on this forum shall we. Yum…Burp…Excuse me folks. I’m eating my egg.:slight_smile:


Rock badgers are on the endangered species list too, so if you eat one you’ll have to answer to both God and WWF. :smiley:

classic example of being between ‘the rock’ and a hard (to find) place


"All that I wanted to is just to say Happy Easter to everyone out there. And all the sudden, A couple of threads on this. "

no worries dave, i take no offense to u wishing me well over this rehashed pagan fertility rite period

At least someone understand me. Oh Dave GILD Thank you so much buddy mate. And you can Call me either David or Dave, It doesn’t matter what you call me. I got no offense from you mate. We need more sense of humor people on this thread. And of cause the Others, mind you. Thanks.
