How could we get 1/2 way (at least for PDT) through this day without mention of Earth Day?
Where is everybody?
Out riding and enjoying the earth rather than posting?
How could we get 1/2 way (at least for PDT) through this day without mention of Earth Day?
Where is everybody?
Out riding and enjoying the earth rather than posting?
Yeah, I’m posting instead. I just hurt my knee during a stupid UPD on my way back from class. Oops, I better go check on the tire fire in the backyard…hate it when they get out of control.
Get this:My names Forrest,and I was born on earth day.Go figure.
Happy earth day!Go plant a tree,or eat a beaver,or whatever it is that earth day doers do.
Im going riding.
The most beautiful thing about a tree is a roaring fire, or the piece of furniture it can be made in to.
I’m gonna have a McDonald’s hamburger to celebrate Earth Day. I think each McDonald’s hamburer is personally responsible for about an acre of rain forest destruction down in Central and South America.
That reminds me, I gotta get my hunting license application turned in for next fall’s season.
‘Happy Bearthday Forrest’
Sorry, i had to cause no one else did.