HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA!! today is Canadas 139th birthday (I think) on this day 1867 canada became a nation, not all the provinces had joined confederation but thats not the point. the point is Its Canada Day which means Stompin’ Tom will be giving a live profomance, there will be fireworks all night, lots of drunk tourist will come into the grocery store where I work, AAAND I get paid extra just to work on monday. so I give thanks to this superb nation in which I live and wish it HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
P.S. I realize there is still two minutes till jully 1st
Edit: At least where I live
Not to mention a host of others will be playing, I would love to see Buck 65 for free but unfortunatly I work from four till nine tonight. O well unicycling downtown through all the tourists should be fun.
thats what its all about, aint it? any ways I forgot to add one detail to the beggining of the thread…DRUM ROLL… Starting today GST has been lowered down to 6% !!! that mean now if you buy a $100 item it will only cost $114 instead of the standard $115, so come spend money in canada where you can save literally tens of cents;)
oh yeah, i forgot about diferent PST’s. you lucky Albertan rolling in your oil money. while us Ontarioans are slaves to the 8% PST I think Ill move to Alberta
Thats because you guys partied to much on bastilles day, the club we were supposed to use for our prom after party was closed down because there was too much crap that went on on bastilles day.