Thanks a lot Dave! . I’ve had a great day so far. It’s now 4:33pm and I’m very tempted to go out for a ride in the rain. If there are any drummers out there, I got some stick weights that wrap firmly around the sticks to use for warming up. After about 5mins you take them off and feel really free and fast.
Well fancy that! Who’d of guessed you’d also be a drummer. At school I’m in:
Big Band
Percussion Ensemble
Guitar Ensemble (playing drums not guitar)
Funk Ensemble (which I set up and is run by students)
Junior School Musical Pit Orchestra
Senior School Musical Pit Orchestra
I’m really enjoying music at school this year. Have you ever tried stick weights? My favourite style of music is definately funk. I also like Jazz and Jazz+Funk (which is just swung funk really) and heaps of other styles, but they’re my favourite styles. My favourite bands are:
Directions in Groove (an Australian funk band)
Charlie Hunter Trio (Jazz, funk, jazz+funk)
Stanton Moore (drummer from Galactic with Skeric (sax) and Charlie Hunter (guitar and bass) playing funk, jazz, jazz+funk)
…Now I’m just getting carried away. Sorry. What sort of drumming are you into?
I’d never heard about stick weights but it does make sense. I play percussion in a folk band. I’d also never heard about a triple stroke roll (mentioned by uni57) but I’ll try that out.
a very happy birthday to u sir
may the day be filled with joy happiness and a shitload of beer
(i had to add that because i was beginning to sound like a hallmark card and i hate it when i do that)
GILD - No, no, no! You expertly diffused the Hallmark issue, but you went too far! Andrew is 17. I know you don’t want him to drink a shitload of beer. (shhh! according to our nifty calendar , Sofa’s birthday is tomorrow. Save that wish for him…)
How about this instead…
May the day be filled with joy, happiness,