Happy Birthday to...

I was/am too much of a loser to get a thread on my birthday (March 1), so I’ve decided to do one now, 15 days after the fact
if your birthday was missed because you’re unloved, post here

oh you’re not unloved. We’re all waiting till it was 16 days later, so it would be a bigger surprise when we said happy bday to you. Who’d expect that? and you just runined the surprise :frowning:


but, seriously, happy belated birthday.

lol, aww, thanks

Happy Birthday, Monkey Boy.

and a Happy Birthday to you too Jethro

My Birthday was in November. You missed it and I will never forgive you for it.

I tried
:frowning: x7

Happy Belated Birthday!:slight_smile:

Hey, happy b-day. Have a banana.

I celebrate birth months, not days. So it’s still the proper interval to celebrate your presence on this great planet.

Happy Birthmonth, Monkey Man. March is good month. My brother, my best HS friend, my best college friend, and my son were all born in this fine month!

Many more festive celebrations and excellent years to you!

BTW, I dread having my birthday forgotten so much that I announce it well in advance and remind everyone. I am sure it is annoying, but a blue B-Day is no fun at all.

Yeah i know how you feel! It was my bday on the march 10th! Happy birthday monkeyman

With love Edd

p.s That last bit sounded better in my head!

Happy Birthday, Alex. Go get yourself some Lou Reed.


^^^ Jealous
Blake, my dad, stepmom, stepbrother, stepmom’s brother in law, and grandpa’s birthday’s are all in March too

this is all ive got to post about this…you better not forget my birthday.


Jealous of what? I’m older than you.