Happy Birthday To Me

oi for my birfday im trying to get ppl to send my naked photos of themselves. not completely naked aye. just like the ones i do. with ur bits covered. just for fun and to say thanks for the photos pilch.

whateve ur comfortable with.

dw i have some ppl allready on board.


You’re fucked mate…

Happy birthday Phelch.

Hah happy birthday Pilch. No, I’m not going to send a nude pic of me for you to Jack off to :wink:

But Happy B-day Anyways man.

Did you shave your legs? :astonished:

Happy birthday!:stuck_out_tongue:



Happy b-day for yesterday bruss.

Aussies are weird.

thanks mate, love you to.

awwww… please. i promise ill ejaculate all over a picture of shaun?

nah im just natrually unhairy, cept my pubes. but i fashion them into a hitler anyway, the german chicks dig it.

dont you forget it.


Im tempted.

Do not let these in the hands of a bike trialser rider, there will be no hope for us to ever get respected;).

Lol very true Danni :stuck_out_tongue:

Bikers must hate koxx.

Havent heard much about them in a while actually. All just RTL, KH, and Nimbus.

Oops, gotta keep this on topic.


you ppl are warped

Wow yu people are odd!
You should have put a warning in the title! I was casually scrolling down and WHAM A big picture of a naked Pilch on a nimbus! :astonished: I was naturally scared lol :astonished:

Why is this such a male dominated sport :frowning:

haha nice pilch,

have you streaked through the streets yet, drunken and naked on your unicycle?

if so then you and i are more alike then i would have thought. I need to party and hang with all of you crazy aussie unicyclists.

happy birthday man

It isn’t. Most of my unicycle team is female. The forums are male dominated though…

Would be nice if otherwise though eh :wink:

Hahahaha, happy b-day man.
You’re freaking hawwwwt… XD