Happy Birthday Terry

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday, Kieth, I mean, Terry! :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good one!
Take a nice long, relaxing ride!

EDIT: of either kind.

Thanks guys! And Jackie, that’s exactly what I did haha. Got up at 6am and hit the trail by 7 while it was still cool. Just got back and now it’s off to work! :smiley:

HAHAHA great start to the day, although I could think of better ways to finish it other than work!


Thanks. :slight_smile: Already done with work though, (12:20pm, pst) and the day is still FAR from finished, haha! :smiley:

Happy B-day Terry!

Happy birthday!:smiley:

WOW i’m being a piano tuner :smiley:!!!

more muni?
or a celebratory vid?

lucky. I barely had time to post this before leaving for school, I’m still there right now. I get out in another hour or so.

That piano tuna pic was funny! People often say the od line, “you can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish!” I say, “sure you can; by adjusting their 'scales”. :smiley:

Tyler where did you get that pic of the cake? That’s cool haha makes me want to to buy one and eat the whole thing…but I won’t. :o

Thanks again everybody that’s really nice (even though I don’t really want to count them anymore lol.) :slight_smile: (So far no calls from family but I don’t mind. They know I don’t really celebrate it in any real way. :o)

i got it from google images.

The older the piano the sweeter the tune

Many happy returns One-Wheeler!

May you have the keys to happiness - all 88 of them - plus your uni.


Terry. It’s your birthday you should have slept in :smiley: Have a good one.

Happy Birthday!

Wow you’re right! Tyler! Look what I found on google search also lol! ;):smiley:


haha wow!

Happy birthday y’old fart.

Sorry, I did try and get the guy to smile but he was having none of it.


Haha that reminds me of the guy I saw on Johnny Carson way back when!

Thanks Jeremy! :smiley:
