Happy birthday Scott. I hope that 2day (as for the rest of the week) brings you nothing but happiness and that the cake is scrumptious too also.
Happy birthday Scott. I hope that 2day (as for the rest of the week) brings you nothing but happiness and that the cake is scrumptious too also.
Happy B-day Scott!
happy birthday
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Scott! 16 now? awesom!
Have you found out if you can go to the BUC? I think since its your birthday you should ask your parents… they can’t upset you today lol;)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary!!
That is, of your birth, you know…
Espoir vous avez un anniversaire agreable
haha thanks people
I should have read this tomorrow really lol… its still only the 27th here!
Oh and sam, I’m not sure how I’d get there. I asked to go to london unicycling earlier and mum said no (no supprise there lol)
Here is still the 28th… xD
Happy Birthday (belated?)!
hehe today is my birthday lol!
this time difference is complicated
Happy birthday!!! yay PARTY!!! (wish I had a birthday thread…)
I live like, 2mins down the road, and even sore you yesterday, and you didnt tell me it was you birthdday lol. I have to find out by going on the forums lol, so randomer on the otherside of the world remembers you b.day, and one of you best mate doesnt lol. Omg i feel bad lol,
Happy Birthday 2 days late.
talk on msn when you get thsis LOL
SCOTT: i doubt it will happen but if by some amazing chance i pass my driving test 10 days after my b.day, i take to to BUC!!!
happy birthday scott.