Happy Birthday Ryan!!!

Happy Birthday!!!

Keep rocking the trial lines man, your an outstanding rider, and are very helpful with your workshops, and the ‘how to jump high’ vid that you made really helped me when I was first starting. Also, your videos are very inspiring and leave me in awe when I watch them.

19 is the drinking age in Canada :sunglasses:
Happy Birthday

Im sure you’ll have a good one

Hartelijk gefeliciteerd = Congrats (in Dutch)

My brightest light at the firmament of motivation is when I see how you clear the berserkest lines!!

Youre smooth riding is what trial is all about.

Have a joyfull birthday and thanks again for letting us share youre awesomeness!!!

Happy Birthday!!!.Even though you probly wont see this cuz your in Switzerland right now! Good Luck and Kepp trialsin!

happy birthday!

I think you’ll find Ryan just aired the 19. gg owned.

Don’t expect to know what I’m talking about

Happy Birthday man.


Happy birthday Ryan, you’re the man!

While he is in Ottawa, we live five minutes bus ride from Quebec, 18!!!

Happy Birthday Ryan, don’t be a stranger to our weekly rides.

Wow, happy birthday!

…He’s at unicon? Good, glad to see they have some good trials there… I hope there will be vieos and stuff.

haha, I said happy birthday to him in real life :stuck_out_tongue:

Amanda : haha i said happy birthday to him in real life too, and i had some of his birthday cake… hah


My dad died the day after you were born. He was born 7/29/22 and died 7/29/87. He was one in every 365 people who gets to die on their birthday. I guess he knew something big had just arrived and moved over rather than party.

Hey, is that a downer, or what? Happy birthday. Break something metal for me.

Yeah, like a frame. A frame would be nice, Harper would like that.

Quebec is just better…

minus the french part :stuck_out_tongue:

Ce n’est parce que tu ne comprend pas le français que ce n’est pas bon…

Je comprend, mais L’anglais est plus bon. La Francais c’est fifi (osti tabarnac! I probably spelt like half of that wrong:p)

Funny you should mention that… He broke his KH frame a few days before his Birthday.


Ha Quebec…Is that place still there?