HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nathan Tappin !!!!

Hey !

I just saw on Facebook that today is his birthday !!

Happy Birthday Nathan, you are such a nice guy. I hope that you are enjoying your trip in Asia (well you seem to ! )

See you in 11 days in Denmark !! :smiley:



Happy birthday!

Happy birthday Nathan ! Riding with you is always a blast, canā€™t wait to ride with you again.

Have a nice one !

ohhhā€¦ So THATS why his username is ntappinā€¦ I thought it was just some slang termā€¦ I guess notā€¦

use of new term:
ā€˜Oh dude, iā€™m gonna so ntappin dat girl! itā€™s gonna be so kh, itā€™ll be mindblowingā€™

happy birthday dude! :slight_smile:

Hah thanks guys, I just got into Tokyo today.

Iā€™m recovering from riding hard like every day last week, o man crazy last few weeks.

Julien I canā€™t wait to see you in Denmark! Its going to be killer.

And Happy belated Bday to you Jerrick, I noticed it was your birthday yesterday too but I didnā€™t get a chance.

Did you do anything crazy special on your bday?

I love Asia though because Iā€™m actualy 21 here, and I have been since January!

Happy birthday my good friend. :smiley:

If you find the Dragonball AF series or comic books. Can i have it???

Cool, Happy 21st Nathan. What an awesome place to celebrate it in!

See you at Unicon!



cant wait to ride with you Again Nathan.

Happy birthday Nathan!

Of course no one here wished me a happy birthday on my 21st on june 26th. :frowning:

Do you want to become one of my facebook friend? So next year I could wish you an Happy Birthday with lots of love.


i cant wait to ride with you again:)

Happy Birthday!

Thanks. =p

I didnt do too much. I was just getting home from NAUCC for my b-day, so I just hung out with some friends, went unicycling, hung out at wild walls, and just chilled the whole day. Today I get a really sweet dinner, movies, some shopping for presents, and in a week ill be getting the rest of my comp parts and other things.

Ive been celebrating my b-day this whole month though with everything that has been going on. Traveling, Naucc, cliff diving, girls, music, hiking, friends, and all that stuff.

Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!

Happy Birthday Nathan and Jerrick.

Hobappoby Bobirthdobay, Nobathoban.

Have you tried out the ā€œitinerant cookā€ routine yet?

Naww I havnā€™t had time, although the customs dude suggested I try it here which I found a bit amusing since I clearly didnā€™t have a work visa, although maybe he was trying to trick me into admitting I was here to work without a visa.

Sounds like you had a great Bday Jerrick, and its a shame to hear that nobody wished Bryan a happy Birthday, maybe people just assumed you were so popular that someone would do it, I hope you enjoyed it none the less.