Happy Birthday Mike Fule!!!!

Have a good one.


I second that.

I’ll discuss that (you have a HBD).

I forgot that :frowning:

Happy Bday Mike fule!

You were born!

I would like to quote some Metallice 'pon this most auspicious of days.

Give me Fule, give me fire, give me double genocide.

And so say all of us.

The day after me. Happy Birthday.

Oops, I knew that and forgot! But then I also forgot my sister’s birthday on 14th, so you’re in good company.

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes. After a burst of regular riding in late summer early autumn (US = fall) the unicycling has fallen victim to a combination of climate, commitments and lethargy recently, but I still visit the forum regularly.

Hoping to ride this weekend, all being well.

And a very merry born day to you too Cath!

A birthday song for Cath…

To the tune of Timmy Mallet’s touching ditty, Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.

How much wood could Cath Wood chuck if Cath Wood could chuck wood.

Please… Brian Hyland. :sunglasses:

Happy birthday Cathy and Mike!

It sounds younger if you count it in dog years.

Cathy, he called you a dog! :astonished: Cathy… kill!:smiley:

Happy Birthday!!

happy bday MIKE FULE

Happy Birthday to ya both.
May it be a stunning year.

Happy birthday, you cool cats!