Happy Birthday Kurt Cobain

Self-inflicted gunshot wounds are a terrible way to go.

Just think, you will be 27 for ever!

No man, it was the government, they run everything man!

Just kidding, he blew himself away, rest in peace Kurt, Happy Birthday.

Neither, his wife blew his head off to get his money and stuff.

how could you say that about Miss Love?

Nope, it was a mix of all three.

Government hired his wife to take him out, cause she was the closest one to him, and the government didnt want his message going out to the kids.

The day came, she draws the gun, Kurt tries to grab it away from her, resulting in a struggle. Within this struggle, Kurt accidentally pulls the trigger, ending his own life.

The end.

There’s more truth so far in this thread than any of us would like to contemplate seriously.
I’m just going to sit back, close my eyes and imagine what a Nirvana version of Happy Birthday would’ve sounded like.

Happy birthday Kurt Cobain.

Do you continue getting older in the after-life?

Hruhby parfnay t’ you…