Happy Birthday Kristine!


woot woot

Happy birthday!

Ooh, pretty color…

hizappy birthday… MR for life



Do they have any special customs for birthdays in Scotland? :stuck_out_tongue:

whoah my 3000 post… coolness


Happy Birthday, even though I don’t really know you.:slight_smile:

happy b’day kristine
i should send u my Happy Birthday mp3
sofa liked it

yes, it’s called ‘hogmanay’

indeed you should!

Have the greatest day today, Kristine. Happy Birthday.


“You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain…”

-Neil Young (Young???)

<marquee>this doesn't work but anyway happy day!</marquee>

I could do that…

sorry, but it was a link to an apparently temporary image.
it should have been:


I’m probably the most immature 20 year old.
I was very excited that me and my roomate decorated my cake like Patrick from spongebobsquarepants. But, he is the best. I mean, if you had to pick a cartoon to marry, Id marry patrick. oh yeah. Anyway heres a pic of my 2nd birthday, I mean 20th Birthday cake :wink:


i would challange u on that
but i’m not 20 anymore
i am however aiming to be the most immature guy ar our 20 year highschool reunion
i’m still debating if i should mission to get my uni down there with me
it will involve flying with a uni

the cake looks very kewl