Happy Birthday Kris Holm!

You are a legend, a very inspirational person.

Is it Kris’s B-day? I checked birthdays on the home page and these names came up, but not Kris. But if it is, then HAPPY B-DAY KRIS! YOU ROCK!

Edit: I think Kris’s b-day is actually tomorrow, 7/15?

And happy b-days to the following also:

Checkernuts (27)
ntappin (22)
Jerrick (21)
bender22 (21)
NnickK (17)
uniCUBER14 (15)

Yep, Kris’s Birthday is tomorrow, I just looked on his personnal profile;)

I wont say anything until tomorrow! Haha!:stuck_out_tongue:

In New Zealand it is tomorrow.

yea on my facebook it said his birthday was today lol

yeah boyyyy

happy birthday kris, born on the best day of the year :wink:

(its the 15th in Australia)

Kris is in Vancouver, so it’s not his birthday yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Already posted in other thread, but anyway
Happy Birthday Kris!
Have a great day!

Have a great Birthday Kris!