Today is Jonny’s Birthday. Happy Birthday Jonny!
Today is Jonny’s Birthday. Happy Birthday Jonny!
Happy Birthday Johnny
Who’s Johnny?
dude, you don’t know who jonny peacock is??
happy birthday Jonny!
Happy birthday Jonny!
oh wait… it IS today, not yesterday…
happy birthday
HBD to the Chosen one.
Happy Birthday!
thanks everybody! i got a new camera for my birthday and its reallly really nice, so yea forrest, filming for the vid is on man. i already got a few shots. and amanda i filmed the ending segment for your vid, and its kidna funny. ill send it to ya tomorrow. anyways yea, be on the look out for me and forrests vid soon, ill come back on here to debut it when it gets finished. peace out and thanks again guys!
lol. potter youre really funny man.
Amanda, your getting other people to film stuff for you? Is this for the BUC video?