Happy birthday James

Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday dear James, Happy birthday to me!!!

Well all in all i must say its been a terable day, almost everyone has forgotten my birthday, even my mother and father. But on the plus side i got some six six ones as the ONLY :’( present i receved!!!

Best of birthday wishes to ya’
I’m sure there will be many to follow!!!

Sorry I’m late in wishing you a happy birthday. But Happy Birthday! 661’s isn’t a bad present. Mostly I just get junk, 'cause no one knows what I want any more (including me) besides unicycle stuff. I’m glad that you got something useful.
(I should have baked you a cake)

Had a good day after all, still didn’t get birthday sex though :angry: but thats life. The six six ones are great and got some awsome unicycle fottage today, we spent 4 hours filming. Did some good dropoffs and stair sets. We are also in the beginning stage of creating our uniplayground (Us is me, rowan and buster). Should be fun, but the uni i have at the moment just won’t do!


Terrible day? Today the weather was awesome. James’ parents must not have forgotten completely considering they are the ones who bought the 661 pads. I gave James a scrubbing brush thing called “Clean it”. I was going to give him a bike lock called “Lock it” but the others convinced me that James was most worthy for the cleaning device. The new Unicycle will arrive all in good time, no need to wait for it, theres plenty of time to practise in the meanwhile. James has been riding a Unicycle for three weeks and he has already ordered himself a KH 24" with brakes. (I am jealous since it took me so long to get the Unicycle I wanted). You can spare us the details of what you do tonight in your Birthday suit James.