Happy Birthday Harper!

Maybe we should just change the expression to “Harper Birthday”.

As in “We wish you a Harper Birthday…”


Thanks, all. International Harper Day was a bit dodgy this year. I had just returned from SE Asia so that has to be the part that counts as international. We usually have Bruce Dawson who is Canadian. We had two out of town riders, Steve Howard from Idaho and Scott Arnold from Oregon. Those are practically foreign countries anyway. Scott hadn’t ridden the trail since UNICON in Washington. His freemounting on gravel improved until he was flawless on the last few of the 23 or so miles. Always a great thing to see. It was also the day before my birthday so we could do a weekend ride.

We had eight Coker riders and four bicyclists. Twenty minutes in a dark, refrigerator of a tunnel with an atonal happy birthday tribute. This followed by hours of gradual downhill riding on a gorgeous summer day with unicyclists. Can it get any better? Yes…a bigger turnout would help. We need some Europeans, South Americans, Aussies, Kiwis, and one South African. Next year Sunday, 26 August, 2007 for the double nickel ride.

Happy Birthday Harper! I’ve had a great time reading your posts over the years, you have always added great things to the forum.

Harp-y Berth-day!

Being that Harper is a being of both space and time, and we’ve already declared an International Harper Day, what will be done to declare an Exclusive Harper Zone? Or a Harper-Exclusive Zone? Or a Harper Meridian? Any ideas?

I suppose you could rename the west meridian. It’s not like anyone needs it. It would sure gain in popularity.

Happy Birthday!!

Crapola…International Harper Day rocked. The closest thing to “dodgy” was that we forgot our matches to light the birfday candle. Well, that and I also forgot my train whistle, so it was harder to pretend that a train was coming from the other direction to hit us. Canadian Bruce was AWOL in the UK, but we mocked him enough in his absense that it counts as both Canadian and British participation in the event.

It is all true what Harper says about the additional representatives we need next year. Let’s get working on that folks. I’m looking forward to buying a bottle of Woodford Reserve for any rider that makes it from S. Africa, but I’m willing to dangle the same lure and see if it gets any nibble from OZ or NZ.

Since one is supposed to “ride their age” on their birfday, we’ll have to figure out the appropriate route that we can tack on to the Iron Horse next year so that Harper can ride his 55. He’ll ride the first 30 alone of course, but the party will get fun once the rest of us join in for the last 25.

oh snap!
i can’t believe i almost forgot harper’s harper birthday!


well… here’s a cool comic to make sure you’re one happy hobo, from Doctor F.G. Hobo, y’know, cause he reminds me of you.

have a happy 55, harps.


i concur.

Does that mean he is one year old?

Harper is…