Happy Birthday, GILD


Happy Birthday. In honor your honor and being that it is St Patrick’s Day, I give you this ancient Irish blessing:

May your juggle/idle combo last as long
As your lover’s pleasure
Well before gravity takes you down
And she stands you up

Or something like that.

Cheers, Dude.

you beat me to it.

Happy Birthday! Hope the convention’s good

Happy Birthday Boet, may the LUC of the Irish be upon you

37?! You post much older than that!:wink:


Get someone to play “Today is your BirthDay” for you today.

My Irish blessing for your birthday from an old hunter:

“May you ever eat opossum by choice, not by necessity.”

Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, wild man. This entire forum could not pour out as much blessing as you yourself have bestowed upon it by your presence here. Hopefully we shall meet before we depend on continental drift to bring our shores together.


Happy Birthday GILD. Glad your here to see another.:smiley: Don’t waste your day fishing, but go out and have a great big T-Bone.

I kinda feel like it’s my Birthday too. I see that I made it on Yoopers “qoutes”:smiley:

Or just before you depend on Depends. :wink:

Happy Birthday!

You are the MR midnight man.

Happy birth anniversary o’great webmaster …

bows on one knee

H’bizzle ma nizzle.



why do people never sign on when they get their own birthday thread until a couple days after? it’s very rude. what else do they have to do on their birthday than be RSU obsessives?

oh, yeah, and Happy Birthday GILDer! heheh, there’s a kid at my school named Gilder…

lol … I just realized I wished Gilby a HB.

GILD/GILBY … looks the same to me (j/k :smiley: )
(without coffee)

My HB wishes are still good thou.
(I’m such a boob)

Happy Birthday Mr. GILD.
I shall now go out and find me a bottle of some fine South African red–and drink it in honor of your birthday.
And If I don’t do it today, I’ll do it real soon. Very soon. Hmmnnn, the liquor store closes in an hour…

Happy B day! I hope you get many lava lamps :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday Gild.

…(now what do I say?)

hepi Bday Dave

Dave is at the SA Jugglin and uni convension, at the mo, unfortunatly i couldnt go :frowning: