Happy Birthday Buddy

Happy Birthday Leah! You’re exactly 2 years and a day younger than me! Now you’re 16!

what do 16 year olds do?

Well have fun with all that stuff! haha

Someones in love. :roll_eyes:

Haha, happybirthday!

Happy birthday Leah!


Whatever that means.

Happy b’day Buddy. May all your good dreams come true. Hopefully 1 of those dreams is to come with Madison to Australia. Enjoy the cake too also. :stuck_out_tongue:

From your good Aussie friend.
Harry a.k.a HAZMAT


Oh…and to bring Jerrick, Jackie and Phil with you too also. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hobble-y birthday!

Happy birthday, Leah. Have a good one!

Lol, only MRIS members have posted here.

hahaha yeah. I think I’ma go post in my birthday thread and thank everyone now haha

happy birthday!!!
i hope you´re having a great one with much fun and so on :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone. It was a good birthday. :smiley:

MRIS members rule the world.

Or at least we should.

That’d be interesting.

I would be the ruler of the world! lol I’m still top poster in MR

Happy Birthday!