Happy Birthday, Ben!

Bennie turns 15 today. He must get his old age from his dad. Still not old enough to drive yet, driver’s ed. this summer, so the Jeep lies in wait…

…yeah, right. Who am I trying to kid. Dad’s going off-roading at the first opportunity. :slight_smile:

What do you get a kid who’s up on the latest video games and Mom and Dad aren’t? Cash of course. He also received a black light for his room and a Jeep key fob.

Now it’s off to the soccer field for a 9:00 a.m. home game. After the game, he’s got to go to work and earn more cash. Quite a birthday day.

Time to hit the road.


the birthday boy just out of bed

Happy Birthday, Ben. Keep your folks on their toes.

Happy BD Ben! You’re officially more than 1/3 the age of your old man! What year will you be 1/2?

What are you doing up at 7:20 on a weekend morning?

Funny, My kids love cash too!:slight_smile:

edit: I can’t do basic math before my second cup of coffee.:o

Happy Birthday!

What a coincidence, I love money too!!! :wink: :wink: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Take Dad’s age, subtract my age and thats 29. So when I’m 29, Dad will be 58 or half.

7:20 is really sleeping in late 'cause I’m usually up at 6:15. We had to leave at 7:45 for my soccer game in Dekalb. We won 3-0.
