Happy Birthday Amanda Gallacher

Wow, looks like you had tons of fun! I just stay at home for my birthdays and don’t remember what I do. I always plan to throw a party, but then always just say bugger it. People who actually do stuff for their birthdays really impress me. Well done! You go, girl!

Happy birthday.

You’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older.
And now you’re even oler. And now you’re even older.

You’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older.
And now you’re older still.

Hapy irthrday, now you have to entner a radio station. stealth in amd use computer asnd poist without manager knowing., whislt being sozzkled. hapy birthday,. Tom

Happy Birthday Amanda.:slight_smile:



(i’m not gonna say why i’m laughing or nothing…)

that boy in that picture looks hoTt.