Happy Bday monkeyman

happy birthday !

i know it might seem a little early but it’s not, here in australia we get to celebrate your birthday before you do !

yay !

get any good presents?

Happy birthday Alex!
And a VMU to everyone else.


HAPPY BRITHDAY!!! Hope it’s swell

Happy birtday Alex! You’re growing up!

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy happy, joy joy!

Happy Birthday!

Thanks guys. There’s still 8 hours, 43 minutes, and about 29 seconds until I’m 17 though.

Not that I’m counting or anything.

But for now, I’m off to go out to eat to celebrate my mom’s birthday.

I hope your birthday is a blast…like the Hindenburg Disaster.

Happy Birthday.

I rather not hear about alex being in a disaster lol

Happy birthday Alex.
Happy birthday Alex’s mom.

that makes one of us! happy birthday alex! youll be pleased to know that i got you a present (or more of…i made you one)


Happy birth aniversary man!

Happy birthday, 2 hours 20 minutes where I live.

half-heartedly honks an airhorn

Thanks guys…I’m off to open presents in about half an hour…I can’t wait. I love presents.


Happy Birthday, Alex!

Are you going to tell us what you got?

Happy Birthday, Super Owl!