Happy Bday John Childs and Klaas Bill!

(sorry that there are so many birthday threads floating around at the moment, but eh it’s my job, right?)

Happy birthday John!! woooo!

and Klaas Bill! not so woo but a more oh hoorah sound like an old person such as you would make :stuck_out_tongue:

have a good one guys!

* 2

Thank you young person! You were actually a day early (even where I am) but never mind, I still appreciate. “Hoera!”

Oh and I couldn’t wish for a better birthday buddy. “Hoera voor JC!”

Happy Birthday!

No wonder you always get the jump on the birthday greetings. You’re a day early downunder. :slight_smile:

Birthday day is Friday the 13th. What should I do special? It’s the big four-oh. A 40 mile Coker ride? Four doubleshots of espresso during a Coker ride? Pass level 4 in the skill levels? Ride under 40 ladders? Adopt 40 black cats?

The big four-oh? Go on an all-downhill Coker ride. Because life is all downhill from here.

(Actually, your best years are still ahead of you. Happy Birthday!)

Happy Birthday, Klaas, my old friend.*

    • friend for many years, not “friend who is old” :slight_smile:

Happy birthday!!! lot of chocolate cake!

(I didn’t succeed in persuading my manager to send me
on a mission in the netherlands! so may be next year!)

keep high the baneer for the Old Geezers On One Wheel !

Fortyfy yourself by washing your Muni with Guinness?

Happy birthday!
So wheres my cake?

Happy BD John and Klaas!

John, I take back that you’re birthday was pre-empted by Andrea’s 16th. Since this is the big Four-OH, you get one too.

Celebrate good times, come on! :smiley:

To celebrate I did what I am calling the “Four shot fixie forty”. A forty mile ride on the fixie bike and four straight shots of espresso during the ride. Finally got motivated to put the bike in fixie mode and it’s likely to stay that way cause I’ll be too lazy to switch it back to freewheel mode. That was fun.

I just gotta break the habit of wanting to coast over or bunny hop over bumps and potholes. At least four times during the ride I got caught trying to coast over a bump or bunny hop a bump. That really doesn’t work on a fixie. And the fixie reminds you of that really quickly.

Right now my fixie force is weak and I feel the desire to coast. Coasting is the dark force. Must resist the dark force.

Happy Birthday JC! If you didn’t get your 40 mile ride in today, I’m going to be doing one tomorrow (well, today). Fall City to Duvall and back. You’re welcome to join. The 4 shots of espresso is there, probably more. Espresso in Carnation on the way out, Duvall at the turnaround, and Carnation on the way back.

Mostly flat, but we can tackle Tolt Hill just for giggles. Call if you’re interested, but not before 9:30am. General timing, I’m thinking leaving from Fall City around 11 or 11:30.



Edit: I now see your post about your fixie 40. Fixie rides do not count for birthday; it’s like today never happened for you. You must join me for the Fall City to Duvall Classic, and celebrate with a Proper 40. 9:30 phone call, you know the number.

Happy b’day my friends. :smiley: :smiley:

Whoa, I missed this. Sorry JC and KB…I hope you had a greeeeat birthday though.

Been away, so here’s a belated happy birthday

What an incredible combined birthday!
The tech-meister and the stats-guru.
Sounds like a Frank Zappa album.

Gentlemen, I trust your respective birthdays were filled with joy, happiness and the promise of eternal wellbeing.

You can’t resist Guinness, it’s impossible.

Happy Birthday both of yuse.

Been on the river, sorry I missed your BDays. I am sure you both celebrated, and are still feeling the effects of the celebration. Happy Belated BD to both!!!