Happy Australia day

Its Australia day- so big cheers to all those aussies celebrating being Australian today. Of course by the time they read this is may not be the 26th in Aus any more, but I only just remebered its today, sorry.
What did you do to celebrate?

yeah, happy australia day to u too :slight_smile:

it feels great to be an aussie :smiley:

i rode my uni a fair bit in the stinking hot and ended up threading my kh seat post clamp, which was a bit of a downer, and then had a good cut of steak for dinner :stuck_out_tongue:

whats Australian day for?

austraila day is an australian celebrateion where we celebrate the australian spirit think a meaningful 4 of july

i made $40 busking(performing) down at southbank it was sweet

Good job.
What kind of stuff do you do?

I celebrated australia day by going for a muni ride. I have been on holidays, so i hadn’t gone on a decent muni ride on my new Nimbus 26" Muni in a while.

It has been overcast all week with showers couple times a day, so i figured it would be a bit muddy (boy was i wrong). The night before Australia day it bucketed down for a few hours and continued to rain all night. I woke up in the morning slightly dissappointed that the rain had stopped (i have never actually ridden in the rain).

I suited up, packed and straped on my new hydration pack that i bought on my holiday (it can be seen here: http://www.gtp.com.au/cgi-bin/icommerce3/order/formclassic.cgi?file=wellsurplus&display=53&id=OT00028 ,i recommend it to aussies as a cheap alternative to a CamelBak).

When i ventured out i found that it was very muddy and i had to dodge (to hit :wink: ) puddles. I was a very tired, very sore, very muddy, very happy boy with a very big smile by the time i had finished playing in the mud.

Can’t wait till next years celebrations. :slight_smile:

do u live in melbourne?? me, luke (president frog) and max pfeiffer ride around melbourne all the time and sometimes round southbank !!!

I celebrated by doing exactly what Captain James Cook was doing on the day all those 218 years ago. Sailing round Botany Bay, as i’ve done every year for as long as i’ve known how to sail which is as long as I can remember. Unfortunately for the Aboriginals it is known as Invasion Day…as Ben Folds once sung “It wasn’t my idea, Never was my idea, I just drove to the store for some Preparation H.”

Slept in past midday, it was great!


i rode round did sum wheel wlaking, buonceing over my radio (the music atracks peeps)180s and riding of backword and jumping up stairs and i live in brisbane in queens land and andrew i just watched "one wheel addiction"sh*t man you are great ,as was every one else

Happy Invasion day… oh wait, i mean Australia day!
To celebrate the landing of European colonisers on this “Terra nullias” land i went to the Big Day Out in sydney ( a totally massive music festival HURAHHHHH).
I am still recovering from the crowd surfing, dehydration, and death circles.