real funny
Merry Christmas!
its funny how much effort tyler puts into these forums i wonder if he has a life?
that’s a creepy pic
Alright dude that was an uneeded post, and you are the one posting in it so you have no room to talk. Plus he is 11, its not like he can go drive somewhere and hang out.
“Plus he is 11, its not like he can go drive somewhere and hang out.”
He does have a unicycle though. Plus, he could at least try to do something comical, i mean, hes 11, hes mature enough to know whats funny and whats not.
Has anyone ever noticed that every one of my posts has some criticism about me in them? I think if you are thinking that a thread is stupid, the best thing to do is not post in it unless you have something good to say. Just cut the criticism about me, OK?
The green hair really contrasts your eyes.
Tyler, how about you don’t post stupid threads and then you can’t be criticised in the first place. Please dont tell me that you actually thought you picture was funny or amusing in any way. If you do, you need help.
I completely disagree. By you posting, you are HELPING the thread, and wasting YOUR time by posting stupid comments. It makes no sense at all. The bottom line is, if you think a thread is worth ignoring, ignore it. Obvioulsy you think your criticisms help, but the fact is I don’t give a crap.
Here’s a list of web sites doing April Fool’s jokes: Urgo’s List of April Fool’s Jokes on Websites.
Hey man, I happened to think the picture WAS funny, thanks! and I don’t need help!
Here’s an interesting Fool’s Search:
Google April Fool’s Search
For fun you could try a search for unicycling or morris dancing.
The history of April Fool’s Day at Wikipedia: April Fool’s Day
Hoaxes played on April Fool’s Day 2005 at Wikipedia: April 1, 2005
maybe some people should lighten up, ya dig
I dig…
dude, Unitik, your signature is looking like a graveyard. it’s kind of scary.
oh, and I dig also.
He’s forgetting frank perdue though he also died this last week…
yeah, and my cat died last week too, can you put her in there? thanks.