It had to be done! There must be a thread on the best game ever! (IMO)
I’m getting it hopefully getting my 360 tuesday, and Halo 3 too! YESSS! Anybody have it? How is it?
Discuss all that is Halo 3.
It had to be done! There must be a thread on the best game ever! (IMO)
I’m getting it hopefully getting my 360 tuesday, and Halo 3 too! YESSS! Anybody have it? How is it?
Discuss all that is Halo 3.
Its probably the best game ever. The game play sucks, its waaaay tooo slow imo but I’m sure they’ll fix that in the next patch. You’ll just have to get used to everything being slowed down, sniper, br, reloads. Also the most devastating part is theres no bxr’s or double/quad shots.
All and all its great fun
you fanboys are porbably gonna yell at me but this game wins, hands down. go and look around at the vids and stuff
but halo 3 is pretty good.
What do you mean, slow game play? Slow compared to the previous Halo’s, or the whole series is slow in general?
If that’s the case, I never thought Halo 1 and 2 were slow… I’ve played them both a million times, even though I don’t own an Xbox. Mostly multiplayer though.
Also what are bxr’s and quad shots…? I’ve never heard those terms before.
I HATED the bxrs etc… Im glad there arent any in halo 3
Halo 3 is a good game… but EA skate OWNS IT
whats your gamertag again?
I’m suprised jagur hasn’t posted yet. He’s been so busy not playing halo 3. Hasn’t even stopped to sleep, shower, eat, or go to the bathroom
anyway, never palyed it. My friend is pretty much crazy with his halo 3 owining-ment. Horrible sight, I must say. In fact, he doesn’t say, “I’m going to go play halo 3now”. it’s more of a “I have to go play halo 3 now”.
I would like to play halo 3 but at the moment i am content with halo 2
i played an online demo in june. Not the one from crackdown, but online multiplayer…
my friend was amazing at halo… he was sponsored by a company called “gauntlet gaming” and flew down to orlando for a tournement… he was invited to play the game with three levels online. and from what i could tell, the gameplay was great… the spike grenades, portable sheilds… just epic.
Getting an entire system for 1 fame is f*cking retarded. Just rent one if that is all you want to play.
Not really, because it’s one of the best games ever. Besdies you can get other games, eventually…
First that is an opinion. Secondly, that is if you wanted them. Notice I said if that is all you wanted to play. I seriously thing the global warming is making you think funny, go put a cool wash-cloth over you head.
I beat it a few days ago. The game itself is tons of fun, the 2nd to last level is a slimy hell, and the last level is very fun, specially on co-op.
Online is great, improved maps and graphics, added vehicles and weapons make it lots of fun. I dont think the gameplay was any slower online, if anything, it felt a little faster and fluid than halo 2, which is good, because the maps are bigger.
Last night me and 8 other played with system link and edited maps, which was great, playing slow and fast zombie, CTF, territories, everything. Had great fun, and are stor4e a few blocks away were selling 10 2-liters of pop for 10 dollars, so we went there and loaded up.
Halo 3 is a great game, I was just disappointed on how short the actual game is. Doesnt take long to beat it. It could be set up for a 4th game, or it could be the last one (execpt for map packs).
i kinda wish i had bought a 360 and halo 3 instead of a 29’er
What the hell is wrong with you, have you gone mad?
Id probably play the Xbox more than a 29’er.
It’s not the only reason I’m getting it. I plan to play other games, and it’s about time I made the jump to the next gen. of gaming.
I SIMPLY CANNOT WAIT! From everything I’ve heard it’s AMAZING!
when i get a new console(maybe a year or so) i probably geting a 360 ,BUT I HATE THE DAMN CONTROLER ,
hack a PS2 controller onto an xbox and i would love you
Whats wrong with the controller, I think it works fine, very much like a N64.